Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship Fund

Alumni Contribution and Involvement
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Scholarship Recipients

Thank you Letter from DHAWAN Anmol
Dear CSD Alumni Scholarship Donors,

I would like to express my gratitude to your generous donation. Not only am I honored to be a recipient of CSD Alumni Scholarship, I am content to note that CSD HKBU recognizes students with impeccable demeanor.

I remember joining HKBU in 2018 as a full scholarship recipient. It felt awesome that I did not use one penny from my pocket for my education and living expenses, while studying in one of the best Universities in the world.

Being an International student makes me think beyond borders, where HK is my second home and HKBU, my family. I have tried my best to repay by helping students and the community! I wish to state that I will try to make the best use of scholarship by keeping my passion for contribution even higher. Whatever ramifications, I shall continue serving HKBU, CS Dept. and Community as a whole.

This scholarship has boosted my morale. Thank you, once again!

Best Regards,