The Postgraduate Research Symposium is a biannual event organized by the Department of Computer Science in HKBU. It provides an excellent platform for practicing presentation skills and sharing ideas among research candidates. Following the successful launch in 2008, the 9th Symposium will be held on January 20, 2009. The main program contains sessions of presentations from our PhD and MPhil students, covering the following research topics but not limited to:

The one day program consists of sessions covering a range of scopes of the computer science. All PhD and MPhil candidates* are requested to participate and present his/her research results. Every participant should prepare a paper of 4-8 pages on his/her research progress. The paper will be reviewed by the supervisor. Then it will be revised by the students carefully. As regarding to the presentation, each participant has 30minutes including Q & A and his/her performance will be evaluated by the members of the corresponding thesis committee. We also have a best paper award and a best presentation award, assessed by all attendees, for excellent performance candidates. Faculty members are also invited to attend the sessions relevant to their research areas or their panel duties.

Please note the important dates. Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at

All interested academics, postgraduate or undergraduate students, and practitioners are warmly welcome to join and benefit from this free, public symposium.

For more details, please visit

Venue: FSC501, FSC701B
Ho Sin Hang Campus
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

* Note: If the commencement of a student's graduate study is within three months of the Symposium date or the thesis oral examination is scheduled within three months of the Symposium date, the presentation can be waived.