( PAST! ) Paper Submission
Paper Submission Video Submission Demo Session

NOTE: Both electronic abstract submission and hardcopy full paper submission are required.

Electronic Abstract Submission An electronic abstract submission is an ASCII file, consisting of the following: (i) title of the paper, (ii) subject areas of the paper, (iii) name of the author(s), (iv) an abstract of at most 250 words, and (v) contact addresses (postal and email).

The above information should be sent to: zhong@ai.csse.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp by May 31, 1999.

Full Paper Submission Four (4) hard copies of the completed paper should be submitted to the IAT'99 Program Committee Chair by the submission deadline, May 31, 1999. Each submitted paper must include a title, an abstract, a list of keywords, the names, mailing addresses, and email addresses of the authors, and the main body. The length of submitted paper should not exceed ten (10) single-spaced, single-column pages including all figures, tables, and bibliography.

All manuscripts must be formatted using the World Scientific's style files for proceedings. The style files can be found at http://www.wspc.com/others/style_files/proceedings/proceedings_style_files.html -- use the style files appropriate to a page size of 8.5"x6"!

Papers should be submitted to the following address:

Prof. Ning Zhong
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University
Tokiwa-Dai, 2557, Ube 755, Japan
Phone&Fax: +81-836-35-9949
Email: zhong@ai.csse.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp

Submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical soundness, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by World Scientific, An International Publisher as a book. A selected number of IAT'99 accepted papers will be expanded and revised for inclusion in "Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal" by Springer-Verlag and an edited volume published by World Scientific.

The IAT best paper awards will be conferred on the authors of the best papers at the conference.


Video Submission
Paper Submission Video Submission Demo Session

Videos for presentation at IAT'99 should be submitted directly to the IAT'99 Video and Demo Chair at the following address:

Dr. Jianchang Mao
IBM Almaden Research Center
Image and Multimedia Systems, DPE/B3A
650 Harry Road
San Jose, CA 95120, USA

by August 2, 1999. The submissions will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance, and clarity.

Each submitted video should be no longer than 10 minutes and accompanied by a title page containing a title, an abstract of at most 250 words, a list of keywords, the names, mailing addresses, and email addresses of the authors, and a two-page summary of the video contents.


Demo Session
Paper Submission Video Submission Demo Session

IAT'99 welcomes submissions of research projects, research prototypes, experimental systems, and potential commercial products for demonstrations at the conference. Each submission should include a title page containing a title, an abstract of at most 250 words, a list of keywords, the names, mailing addresses, and email addresses of the presenters, and a two-page description of the demo system. Submissions should reach the IAT ‘99 Video and Demo Chair at the following address:

Dr. Jianchang Mao
IBM Almaden Research Center
Image and Multimedia Systems, DPE/B3A
650 Harry Road
San Jose, CA 95120, USA

by August 2, 1999.

It is understood that once a submission is selected for demonstration at the conference, the presenter(s) of the demo will be responsible for bringing necessary software/hardware equipment.

The submission of full-length papers that describe in depth the works presented in videos and/or demos is encouraged. Please refer to the details on paper submission above.