We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI 2012). IHI 2012 is the main conference of the newly formed ACM Special Interest Group on Health Informatics (SIGHIT).
IHI 2012 is ACM's premier community forum concerned with the application of computer science principles, information science principles, information technology, and communication technology to address problems in healthcare, public health, and everyday wellness. The conference highlights the most novel technical contributions in computing-oriented health informatics and the related social and ethical implications. IHI 2012 will feature keynotes, a multi-track technical program including papers, demonstrations, and panels. New additions to the IHI 2012 program include tutorials and a doctoral consortium.
IHI 2012 serves as a venue for the discussion of innovative technical contributions highlighting end-to-end applications, systems, and technologies, even if available only in prototype form (e.g., a system is not deployed in production mode and/or evaluation may be performed by giving examples). We strongly encourage authors to submit their original contributions describing their algorithmic contributions, methodological contributions, and well-founded conjectures based on an application-oriented context. A paper does not have to be comprehensive and can focus on a single aspect of design, development, evaluation, or deployment.
Contributions in the realm of social and behavioral issues might include empirical studies of health-related information use and needs, socio-technical studies on the implementation and use of health information technology, studies on health informatics in the context of community impact and implications, studies on public policies on leveraging health informatics infrastructure, among others. CONFERENCE TOPICS
topics of interest for this conference cover various facets of
health informatics research, including but not limited to the
Information technologies for healthcare delivery and
Comparative effectiveness
- Consumer health and wellness informatics applications - E-commerce in health informatics - Economics of health computing (e.g., cost-benefit analysis) - E-learning for spreading health informatics awareness - Health informatics education - Healthcare delivery in developing countries - Healthcare workflow management - Information technologies for alternative medicine - Information technologies for healthcare service delivery - Information technologies for hospital management - Information technologies for the management of patient safety and clinical outcomes - Medical compliance automation for patients and institutions - Organizational impacts of health information technologies - Public health informatics - Social studies of health information technologies - Technology informatics guiding educational reform - Telecare - Telemedicine - Virtual conferencing systems for healthcare 2. Health data acquisition, management, and visualization - Continuous monitoring and streaming technologies for healthcare - Data model for health information system - Disease profiling and personalized treatment - Display and visualization of medical data - Intelligent medical devices and sensors - Medical data management - Medical signal acquisition, archiving, and communication - RFID solutions for healthcare - Technologies for capturing and documenting clinical encounter information in electronic systems - Virtual and augmented reality for healthcare - Virtual patients 3. Healthcare knowledge management and decision support - Business intelligence and data warehousing for healthcare - Cognitive and decision support systems - Computational intelligence methodologies for healthcare - Computational support for patient-centered and evidence-based care - Computer support for surgical intervention - Computer-aided diagnosis - Healthcare knowledge abstraction, classification, and summarization - Healthcare knowledge computerization, execution, inference, management, and representation - Medical recommender systems - Semantic Web, linked data, ontology, and healthcare 4. Healthcare modeling and simulation - Biomedical modeling and simulation - Disease diagnostic models - Disease prognostic models - Epidemiological modeling - Health risk evaluation and modeling - Operations research methods for healthcare - Optimization models for planning and recommending therapies - Personalized predictive modeling for clinical management (e.g., cancer, trauma, diabetes mellitus, sleep disorders, substance abuse) - Physiological modeling 5. Data analytics, data mining, and machine learning - Analytics for clinical care - Biomarker discovery and biomedical model development - Biomedical data mining - Biomedical pattern recognition - Cleaning, pre-processing, and ensuring quality and integrity of medical data - Data analytics for healthcare quality assurance - Healthcare workflow mining - Large-scale longitudinal mining of medical records - Medical insurance fraud detection - Medical signal analysis and processing - Natural language processing and text mining for biomedical literature, clinical notes, and health consumer texts - Statistics and quality of medical data - Survival analysis and health hazard evaluations - Visual analytics for healthcare 6. Health information system engineering - Acceptance testing for healthcare systems and applications - Cloud computing for healthcare - Database design for health information systems - Experiences of building health information systems - Health IT project management - Health software architecture, framework, design, and engineering - Health systems simulation - High-performance computing for healthcare - Multi-agent systems for healthcare - System integration for healthcare - Trustworthy and secure infrastructures for health information systems 7. Health information systems - Applications in electronic health records - Clinical information systems - Consumer and clinician health information needs, seeking, sharing, and use - Development and implementation of medical data and vocabulary standards - Evaluation of health information systems - E-visit system - Health digital library - Health information systems for chronic disease management - Information retrieval for health applications - Intelligent personal health records - Issues involving interoperability and data representation in healthcare delivery - Keyword and multifaceted search over structured electronic health records - Open-source software for healthcare - Pharmaco- and pharmacy informatics systems - Privacy in healthcare - Security in healthcare - System software for clinical studies and translational research 8. Healthcare communication networks and environments - Assistive and adaptive ubiquitous computing technologies for healthcare - Collaboration technologies for healthcare - Computer games for healthcare - E-communities, social networks, and social media for patients and caregivers - Health portals - Healthcare communication system performance and adaptability - Peer-to-peer networks for healthcare - Sensor networks and systems for pervasive healthcare - Social media analysis and mining for healthcare applications 9. Interactions with health
information technologies
- Accessibility and Web-enabled technologies for healthcare - Affective computing for healthcare - Automated generation of textual document and multimedia content for healthcare - Biological effects of medical devices - Bio-surveillance - Communication interventions between patients and care providers - Consumer health literacy, numeracy, and graphicacy - Human factors (ergonomics) in health information systems - Medical biometrics - Medical robotics - Physiological computing (e.g., brain computer interface) - Speech, gesture, and handwriting acquisition and recognition for healthcare - Usability studies in healthcare - User-interface design for medical devices and health software SUBMISSION AND
The conference will accept both regular and short papers. Regular papers (6-10 pages in length) will describe more mature ideas, where a substantial amount of implementation, experimentation, or data collection and analysis will be described. Short papers (1-5 pages) can be less formal and will describe innovative ideas where a less degree of validation and implementation have occurred. All papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library. The best papers of IHI 2012 will also be considered for journal publication in a special issue of the ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST). IHI 2012 has three tracks: analytics, systems, and human factors.
When submitting a paper, the
authors must select a track that they regard as the most appropriate
one for their paper. Before the review process starts, the PC
co-chairs will check each paper and make adjustment if necessary to
ensure the submission will be reviewed in the correct track.
A subset of highly-ranked papers
will have oral presentation slots. The other accepted papers, which
are not selected for oral presentation, will be presented as
posters. The conference organizers will work on ensuring that poster
sessions are well attended and have a vibrant discussion
Submitted papers must not have
appeared in, or be under consideration for, another conference,
workshop, journal, or other target of publication.
All aspects of the submission and
notification process will be handled electronically. Submissions
must adhere to the following formatting instructions:
Papers must adhere to the ACM
Proceedings Format available for LaTex, WordPerfect, WordPerfect 9,
and Word. Changing the template's font size, margins, inter-column
spacing, or line spacing is prohibited. Each paper must be submitted
as a single PDF file, formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper.
The length of submission depends
on the type of submission:
Each paper must provide an
appendix (which is excluded from the page limit) indicating the
preferred review approach, including:
REVIEWING Each contribution will be
carefully evaluated by a group of reviewers, including experts with
multidisciplinary experience spanning computing, information
science, social and behavioral sciences, public health, medicine,
and nursing as appropriate, to ensure that proper and comprehensive
peer-review analysis and feedback can be provided to authors.
Submissions will be judged on validity, originality, technical
strength, practical and clinical significance, quality of
presentation, and relevance to the conference topics.
Because of IHI's
multidisciplinary nature, the review process will include at least a
computing expert and a health expert as well as a review editor to
reconcile the evaluation, making a single recommendation to the
Program Committee Co-Chairs. This process is designed to ensure that
experts from multiple areas can assess the importance and validity
of the work.