InstructionPlease check the program to identify
your presentation schedule and venue. Below is a brief
instruction of presentation.
- For oral presentation: each paper has a 30-minute slot. We
suggest that you prepare a 25-minute talk and reserve 5 minutes
for questions and answers. Please arrive early (5 minutes
prior to the beginning of your session) to introduce yourself to
the session chair. The session chair will introduce you to
the audience and facilitate the presentation as well as the
questions and answers.
- For poster presentation: each paper should yield a poster with
a 3 foot by 4 foot size (roughly 91 cm by 122 cm, either 3' high x
4' wide or 4' high x 3' wide). Poster boards will be provided.
The poster/demo session chair will be in touch with you for
further instructions.
- For demo presentation: demo stations will be available
concurrently with the poster session. As discussed in the Call for
Demos, the demonstration should be appealing and interactive,
allowing the attendees to experience the system/prototype being
demonstrated. We also encourage presenters to have access to a
possibly scaled down version of the demo that can work if there is
a network outage. A wired network access will be provided,
but the rest of the computing infrastructure necessary must be
brought in by the demo presenters.
- For doctoral consortium presentation: the doctoral consortium
chairs will contact you for the