Submissions to IHI need to follow the IHI
Policy on Program Committee and the ACM SIGHIT
Conflict of Interest Policy.
Authors of regular and short papers are required to submit an
abstract of approximately 150-200 words by June 23, 2011 at 11:59
pm EST. Other than the tutorial and panel submissions,
authors must select three or more topics in the Topics section in
addition to three or more keywords. The deadline of paper
submission is June 30, 2011 at 11:59 pm
EST. Please submit your paper here.
Papers can be accepted for oral or poster presentation based on
the peer review result, and will be informed at the time of
acceptance notification. The accepted papers will be published in
the conference proceedings regardless of the presentation format,
and will not be requested to revise to a shorter version. If you do
not wish to accept the poster presentation format, please email to with the subject of “opting out poster presentation format --
paper ID: xxxx” after paper submission. Your paper will then be
automatically rejected, if the PC considers it not qualified for
oral presentation.
Submission of Camera Ready Version After your work is accepted at IHI'12, please submit the camera ready version by following the instructions as follows:
email content: doctoral consortium paper id: paper title list of authors attaching both the source file and the PDF file
email content: non-refereed extended abstract paper id: paper title list of authors attaching both the source file and the PDF file Please make sure to submit your camera ready version by October 5, 2011 11:59pm EST. ACM SIG Proceedings Templates The official ACM Proceedings
Format is available as templates in the following