Annual General Meeting of Computer Science Alumni Association 2014

6 Dec 2014

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Department of Computer Science Alumni Association was held on 6 December 2014. The newly elected Executive Committee of the Association will work closely with the Department to step up the relation of alumni and their connection with the University.

The list of committee members is shown as below:
Chairman: KAN Wing Cheung, Allen (BSc IS, 2008), 2nd from left
Vice Chairman: LAM Ka Yin, Philip (MSc ITM, 2013), center
Secretary: YAU Kwok Chau (MSc ITM, 2012), left
Treasurer: LAI Fuk Yau (Applied Computing, 1995), 2nd from right
Member Representative: CHENG Chun Kit, Dennis (Msc ITM, 2008), right

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