Instructions |
High-quality papers in all WI related
areas are solicited. Papers exploring new directions or
areas will receive a careful and supportive review. All
submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of
technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.
Note that WI'04 will accept ONLY on-line submissions,
containing PDF (PostScript or MS-Word) versions. |
There will be three types of paper
submissions for WI 2004: |
Research-Track submissions
(including regular
paper and short paper) |
Industry-Track submissions |
Demo-Track submissions |
All paper submissions will be handled
electronically, only. Please use the Submission Form at
the WI 2004 homepage to submit your paper(s). |
Research-Track Submissions: |
(Paper submission due:
April 4, 2004) |
For Research-Track submissions,
papers should be limited to 7 (for a regular paper) or 4
(for a short paper) two-column pages in the
Latex (or
Word) style file for IEEE Computer Society
conference proceedings, and will be reviewed by the
Program Committee on the basis of technical quality,
relevance to WI, originality, significance, and clarity.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference
proceedings by the
IEEE Computer Society Press. |
We are planning a demo session at the
conference. Authors who submit papers to the
Research-Track are welcome to supply a demo and join the
demo session. |
Selected papers will be published in
Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal"
Press), "Annual
Review of Intelligent Informatics" (World
Scientific Publishing), or "The
IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin", after
expansion and/or revision. |
All Research-Track paper submissions
will be handled electronically. |
Industry-Track Submissions:
(Paper submission due:
April 4, 2004) |
For Industry-Track submissions,
please make sure that the following conditions are met: |
- Papers should be limited to 4 two-column pages
in the Latex (or Word) style file for IEEE Computer
Society conference proceedings.
- At least one author of each Industry-Track
paper should be from an industrial company or
- The paper should be about industrial or other
real-world applications of WI. A description of how
the application has been conceived, developed and
deployed must be provided.
- Authors who submit papers to the
Industry-Track are requested to supply a demo and
join the demo session.
- Papers that present interesting WI applications
but do not qualify as Industry-Track submissions
according to these criteria can be submitted to the
The conference will provide an
opportunity for the authors of accepted
Industry-Track papers to showcase their efforts in
front of the world's WI applications/development via a
software demonstration. |
All papers submitted to the
Industry-Track will also be reviewed by the Program
Committee, and each accepted Industry-Track paper
will be allocated 4 pages in the conference
proceedings by the
IEEE Computer Society Press. |
All Industry-Track paper submissions
will be handled electronically. |
Demo-Track Submissions: |
(Paper submission due:
10, 2004) |
For Demo-Track submissions,
please make sure that the following conditions are met: |
- Papers should be limited to 2 two-column pages
in the Latex (or Word) style file for IEEE Computer
Society conference proceedings.
- The paper can be authored by people from either
industry or academia.
The conference will provide an
opportunity for the authors of accepted
Demo-Track papers to showcase their efforts in
front of the world's WI applications/development via a
software demonstration. |
All Demo-Track paper submissions will be handled
electronically. |