Latest Update

2016-10-28 Online Registration is open.
2016-10-20 ASI 2016 website is launched.

Call for Participation

Graphs are fundamental structures that underpin many large-scale real-world applications such as social networks, knowledge network (RDF), protein networks, and communication networks, among many others. As emerging applications flourish, the volume of graph data (aka network data) has reached an unprecedented scale, which poses challenges to traditional techniques for data retrieval and analysis. In particular, it is pressing to understand “How do real applications behave?” “What computing resources are needed and at what scale?” and “What fundamental software solutions are needed to support them?”

This lecture series aims to educate and inspire researchers in the region on the potential, challenges, and new trends of big data graphs, leading to new foundations of data management and new principles of database management systems for large complex data. The lectures focus on database management systems, and their topics are expected to be comprehensive, ranging from theoretical foundations, execution models, system architectures to novel optimisations. This lecture series provides opportunities for participants to learn from leading scientists and facilitates face-to-face quick dissemination and exchange of ideas via lectures, poster and ​/or​ demonstration sessions.

Registration is now open. (Free of charge)