COMP Graduate Shines at IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter Postgraduate Paper Competition 2020-2021
21 Oct 2021
Xiaopeng Luo (2021 MSc in Advanced Information Systems graduate) is awarded merit in Postgraduate Paper Competition 2020-2021, organised by IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter.
Xiaopeng Luo’s awarded paper is “Exploiting Information of Multi-sourced Data Composed of Any-type Attributes for Accurate and Robust Recommendation”. He thanked for the kind advice and guidance from his supervisor Professor Yiu-ming Cheung from Department of Computer Science.
The annual IEEE (Hong Kong) Computational Intelligence Chapter Postgraduate Paper Competition awards postgraduate students with their excellent research papers. The papers are related to an area of computational intelligence such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, intelligent risk management, financial engineering, simulation process, pattern and speech recognition, intelligent systems, data mining, fuzzy systems, neural networks, and evolutionary computation. Outstanding papers are carefully reviewed and selected for awards by a team of professional industry experts and leaders under fierce competition.