The Department of Computer Science achieved excellent results in the latest funding exercise conducted by the Research Grants Council (RGC) on its General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS). The Department was awarded 7 projects, including 5 GRF projects and 2 ECS projects, with grants totalling over HK$7 million, an increase of 75% and 152% in terms of the number of projects and funding amount compared with those last year respectively.
“Our funding successes are not possible without a team of dedicated high-quality researchers,” said Professor Jianliang Xu, Head of the Department. Apart from congratulating the winning faculty for their hard work in securing record funding results, he also expressed gratitude to all faculty who have made strong efforts in submitting high quality proposals in this exercise. To sustain our success and advance further, the Department will continue to attract more top-flight young talents to conduct impactful multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary research.
The GRF and ECS are competitive peer-reviewed research funding schemes supported by the RGC. The former aims to support researchers who have achieved or have the potential to achieve excellence, while the ECS aims to nurture junior academics and prepare them for a career in education and research.
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Professor Yiu-ming Cheung
Unsupervised Multi-source Domain
Adaptation Approach to Deep
Classification under a Complex
Environment: A Challenging
Professor Jiming Liu
Learning with Complex Data: A
Mutual-Information-Guided Deep
Learning (MIGDL) Framework
Dr. Zhe Peng
Towards Efficient and Verifiable SQL
Queries with Trusted Hardware in
Blockchain Systems
Professor Jianliang Xu
When Learned Index Meets
Blockchain: Design, Algorithms, and
Performance Evaluation
Professor Pong-chi Yuen
Identifying High-Risk Early-Stage
Chronic Liver Disease Patients: A
Test-Time Training Approach
Dr. Jing Ma
Conversation-based Reasoning for
Explainable Fake News Detection
via Weakly Supervised Evidence
Dr. Wei Xue
Expressive and Controllable AI
Music Creation based on Audio-
Oriented Representation Analysis
on Large-scale Data