Prof. KENDERDINE, Sarah Irene Brutton
Visiting Professor,
Department of Computer Science
Professor Sarah Kenderdine researches at the forefront of interactive and immersive experiences for galleries, libraries, archives and museums. She is professor at the École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, leading the Laboratory for Experimental Museology (eM+) and is curator-at-large of EPFL Pavilions. Her upcoming book is Deep Fakes: A Critical Lexicon of Digital Museology published by Routledge (2025). Sarah has pioneered the framework of computational museology, a scaffold that unites machine intelligence with data curation, ontology with visualization, and communities of publics and practitioners with embodied participation through kinaesthetic and interactive interfaces. She has created over 110 exhibitions and major installations. Sarah currently (2024) leads USD10million in research grants.
Research Interests
Intangible and Tangible Heritage
Cultural Big Data
Human Computer Interaction
Scientific Visualization
Selected Publications
Frank, I., M. Feneley, S. Kenderdine and J. Shaw (2021). The Atlas of Maritime Buddhism. Hong Kong: City University Press.
Chao, H., S. Kenderdine and J. Shaw, eds. (2016). 300 Years of Hakka Kung Fu: Digital Vision of its Legacy and Future. Hong Kong: International Guoshu Association.
Kenderdine, S. (2013). Place-Hampi: Inhabiting the panoramic imaginary of Vijayanagara, Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag.
Cameron, F. and S. Kenderdine, eds. (2007). Digital cultural heritage: a critical discourse. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Reprinted hardback 2008. Paperback edition 2010.
Kenderdine, S., L. Hibberd and J. Shaw. (2023). ‘The Atlas of Maritime Buddhism: museological presence through deep mapping,’ in M. Shehade and T. Stylianou (eds) Museums and Technologies of Presence. Routledge.
Kenderdine, S. (2022). ‘A short compendium of computational museology’, in (ed.) K. Namin, What Do Museums Connect? Seoul: National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea.
Hibberd, L. and S. Kenderdine (2022). ‘Dark maneouvers: digitally reincorporating the marginalized body in the museum’, in (eds) T. Stylianou-Lambert, A. Heraclidou, and A. Bounia Museum Media(ting): Emerging Technologies and Difficult Heritage. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Press, 197-217.
Kenderdine, S., L. Hibberd, J. Shaw, T-Z Chang and Y. Hou (2022) ‘Archery Rites: Remaking Confucian Rites’ in (eds) H. Chao and L. E. Kim, Chinese Archery Studies: Theoretical and Historical Approaches to a Martial Discipline. Springer.
Kenderdine, S. (2021). ‘Experimental museology: Immersive visualization and cultural (big) data’, in (eds) M. Achiam, M. Haldrup and K. Drotner, Experimental Museology Institutions, Representations, Users. Abingdon: Routledge: 15-34.
Kenderdine, S., L. Hibberd and J. Shaw. (2023). ‘The Atlas of Maritime Buddhism: museological presence through deep mapping,’ in M. Shehade and T. Stylianou (eds) Museums and Technologies of Presence. Routledge.
Hibberd, L. and S. Kenderdine (2022). ‘Dark maneouvers: digitally reincorporating the marginalized body in the museum’, in (eds) T. Stylianou-Lambert, A. Heraclidou, and A. Bounia Museum Media(ting): Emerging Technologies and Difficult Heritage. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Press, 197-217.
Kenderdine, S. (2024 in press). ‘Strategies of Immersion’, in (eds) C. Meigh-Andrews, R. Clarke, and V. Dziekan, The Encyclopedia of New Media Art. New York: Bloomsburg.
Kenderdine, S., L. Hibberd, J. Shaw, T-Z Chang and Y. Hou (2022) ‘Archery Rites: Remaking Confucian Rites’ in (eds) H. Chao and L. E. Kim, Chinese Archery Studies: Theoretical and Historical Approaches to a Martial Discipline. Springer.
Kenderdine, S. (2021). ‘Experimental museology: Immersive visualization and cultural (big) data’, in (eds) M. Achiam, M. Haldrup and K. Drotner, Experimental Museology Institutions, Representations, Users. Abingdon: Routledge: 15-34.
Kenderdine, S. (2021). ‘Prosthetic architectures of the senses: museums and immersion’, in (eds) M. Beugnet & L. Hibberd, dossier: ‘Absorbed in Experience: new perspectives on immersive media’, Screen 61(4): 635-645.
Kenderdine, S., L. Hibberd & J. Shaw (2021). ‘Radical intangibles: materializing the ephemeral’, special issue: ‘Digital (and) Materiality’ Museums’ Museum and Society Journal 19(1): 252-272.
Kenderdine, S. (2021). ‘Prosthetic architectures of the senses: museums and immersion’, in M. Beugnet and L. Hibberd (eds.), dossier ‘Absorbed in experience’ Screen, 61(4).
Kenderdine, S., Mason, I., Hibberd, L. (2021). ‘Computational archives for experimental museology’ ‘RISE IMET 2021’ International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies, ‘Emerging technologies and the digital transformation of museums and heritage sites, June 2-4, 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus.