IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2022


13 Jan (Thu)

13:30 - 14:00
Addressing the Local Needs towards the Sustainable Goals --- From IEEE Humanitarian Technology Activities Perspective
Speaker: Prof. Jing Dong, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Humanitarian technology, or HUMTECH, refers to technologies developed and used in the humanitarian sector, for the purpose of improving the quality of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and rebuilding efforts in humanitarian emergencies. While technology has always been used to facilitate more effective humanitarian action, there is still a lot of confusion over what exactly constitutes humanitarian technology.HUMTECH can be broken down into hardware such as drones, modular shelters, robots; or software such as data collection systems, biometric identification programmes, and blockchain-components. It is important for humanitarian actors to assess how these components fit into the current humanitarian landscape, and mitigate any unwanted side effects.