VM Pack for AutoG

We have prepared a virtual machine for interested users to try AutoG on their machines.

You may download the VM pack from here (~950 MB). It contains all the dependencies, executables and data files.


8 GB or more RAM.

VirtualBox, Vagrant and ssh.

Steps to start AutoG

1. download and unzip the VM pack (contains data/, code/, Vagrantfile and package.box)

2. add package.box to Vagrant

  (host) $ vagrant box add package.box --name hkbudb/autog

3. create and configure guest machines according to Vagrantfile

  (host) $ vagrant up

4. connect to the guest machine, and start the demo

  (host) $ vagrant ssh
  # This will SSH into the running guest machine
  (guest) $ cd /vagrant/code
  (guest) $ make demo

5. open a browser and navigate to localhost:8000/autog


This AutoG prototype system depends on following open source projects: boost, swig, python3, flask, requests, numpy and networkx.