
map Prof. Li CHEN (陳黎)

Associate Head (Research) and Professor
Department of Computer Science

Professor (Affiliate)
Department of Social Work

Hong Kong Baptist University, China

Mailing address:
DLB 632, Level 6, David C. Lam Building
Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, China

Tel: (852)34117090
Email: lichen AT comp.hkbu.edu.hk

Google scholar profile: h-index 46, i10-index 96, citations 9,336 (till February 2024)

Professor Chen’s recent research focus has mainly been on personalized conversational and explainable AI, with applications covering various domains including entertainment, digital media, education, e-commerce, and psychological well-being. She has authored and co-authored over 120 publications, most of which appear in high-impact journals (such as IJHCS, CSCW, TOCHI, TOIS, UMUAI, TIST, TIIS, KNOSYS, Behavior & Information Technology, AI Magazine, and IEEE Intelligent Systems), and key conferences in the areas of data mining (SIGKDD, WSDM, SDM), artificial intelligence (IJCAI, AAAI), recommender systems (ACM RecSys), user modeling (UMAP), and intelligent user interfaces (CHI, IUI, Interact).

Her co-authored papers have received several awards, such as the CHI’22 Honourable Mention Award, UMAP’20 Best Student Paper Award, UMUAI 2018 Best Paper Award, and UMAP’15 Best Student Paper Award. She received the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Research Supervision 2022/23, and has been included in the list of the world’s top 2% most-cited scientists by Stanford University since 2021. She is now an ACM senior member, co-editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems (TORS), executive committee member of ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), editorial board member of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal (UMUAI), and associate editor of ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS). She also served as the general co-chair of ACM RecSys’23, the program co-chair of ACM RecSys’20, and the program co-chair of ACM UMAP’18.