Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship Fund

Alumni Contribution and Involvement
Committee Members and Selection Panel
Application for Scholarship
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Scholarship Recipients

Thank you Letter from CHEUNG Wing Ki
Dear CSD Alumni Scholarship Donors,

I am deeply honored to be selected for the Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship, and I wish to express my sincere thanks for your generosity.

My university life has been enriched by meeting many caring teachers who have become my mentors. Their support has been instrumental in my growth, both academically and personally. I am truly grateful for these relationships and the opportunities provided by CSD to engage with such dedicated educators.

This scholarship fuels my determination to give back to the department that has always been there for me. As I continue my journey, I look forward to staying in touch with my mentors and working together to support our community.

Once again, thank you for recognizing my contributions and helping me further my goals.

Thanks and regards,