Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship Fund

Alumni Contribution and Involvement
Committee Members and Selection Panel
Application for Scholarship
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Scholarship Recipients

Thank you Letter from ZHOU Yubo
Dear CSD Alumni Scholarship Donor,

I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for the Certificate of Merit of Alumni Scholarship awarded to me from the Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship Fund. It is an honor to be selected for this scholarship, and I am extremely grateful for the financial assistance it has provided me.

As a student in the computer science department, I have always been passionate about technology and its ability to solve complex problems. With the help of this scholarship, I will be able to continue pursuing my academic goals and take advantage of the opportunities available to me. This scholarship has allowed me to focus on my studies, participate in extracurricular activities, and gain valuable experience in my field.

Receiving this scholarship has not only eased my financial burden but has also motivated me to work harder and achieve my academic and career goals. Your generous support has made a significant impact on my life and has allowed me to pursue my dreams with greater confidence and determination.

Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your generosity and support. I am truly grateful for this scholarship, and I hope that one day I can give back to the community as you have done for me.

Thank you very much for your support.
