Applied AI and LLM Big data analytics and management Blockchain and distributed data management Data privacy and security Graphs and social networks Mobile and spatial databases
Multiple Research Papers Accepted to SIGMOD 2019 and ICDE 2019
Multiple research papers have been accepted to present at ACM SIGMOD 2019 and ICDE 2019. Congratulations to our students Cheng, Ce, and Shangwei!!!
Full Research Paper Accepted to SIGMOD 2018
A research paper titled "When Query Authentication Meets Fine-Grained Access Control: A Zero-Knowledge Approach" has been accepted to present at ACM SIGMOD 2018. Congratulations to our PhD student Cheng Xu!
New NSFC Grants Awarded
Dr. Lisi Chen and Dr. Xin Huang respectively receive NSFC grants to conduct research on spatial textual streams of publish-subscribe systems and social community search on massive attribute graphs.
ACM SIGMOD Best Paper Award
Jiaxin won the Best Paper Award for his co-authored paper entitled "Parallelizing Sequential Graph Computations" at ACM SIGMOD 2017. Congratulations!
ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award Chapter Winner
Alumni Dr. Yafei Li was presented ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award Chapter Winner at ACM Turing 50th Celebration Conference - China, with his PhD thesis titled "Efficient Group Queries in Location-Based Social Networks".
Tutorial Delivered at ICDE 2017
Dr. Xin Huang and his colleagues presented a tutorial on community search over big graphs at ICDE 2017. [Slides]
President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work
Dr. Xin Huang and his colleagues' work on "Querying Intimate-Core Groups in Weighted Graphs" won the Best Student Paper Award at the 11th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) 2017.
Tutorial Accepted to SIGMOD 2017
Dr. Byron Choi and his colleagues will present a tutorial titled "Graph Querying Meets HCI: State of the Art and Future Directions" at SIGMOD 2017. [Slides]
Prof. Jian Pei visited our research group during Feb. 10-14 and delivered a Distinguished Lecture on "Towards Connecting Big Data with Many People".
New ITF Grant Received
Dr. Haibo Hu has been granted $2,378,200 from Innovation & Technology Fund (ITF) for the project entitled "Hybrid Geofencing Systems for Elderly and Child Care".
Full Paper Accepted to ICDE 2014
A research paper titled "Private Search on Key-Value Stores with Hierarchical Indexes" has been accepted to present at ICDE 2014.
First-Class Award in the 12th National Challenge Cup Contest
Our flash database project has won the First-Class Award in the 12th Challenge Cup held in Dalian, China on October 15-20, 2011. Only 8% of the projects were awarded First-Class Awards.
Bronze Prize in 2011 Amway Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Universities IT Project Competition
Chushi, final year undergraduate of our group, won Bronze Prize in the Amway Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Universities IT Project Competition held in Haikou on June 25-26, 2011. Congratulations!
Farewell and Best Wishes
We farewell our Final Year Project student Chushi Ren, who will be pursuing postgraduate study at the University of Pennsylvania starting September 2011.
Overseas Attachment
Jintian visits the Shanghai Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Fudan University, Shanghai, China in May 2011.
Professional Services
Jianliang serves as Workshop Co-Chair for DASFAA 2011; and Byron and Haibo serve as Co-Chairs for GDB 2011 and DAMEN 2011, respectively.
Two Papers Accepted to IEEE ICDE 2011
Congratulations to Haibo, Yun, Chushi, Byron and Jianliang for full papers accepted by IEEE ICDE 2011!
Bronze Prize in 2010 Amway Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Universities IT Project Competition
Shen, final year undergraduate of our group, won Bronze Prize in the Amway Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Universities IT Project Competition held in Chengdu on June 27-28, 2010. Congratulations!
Overseas Attachment
Yun visits the Center for Advanced Information Systems (CAIS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore in June 2010.
Paper Accepted to ACM TODS
Congratulations to Haibo, Jianliang, Sai Tung & Jing for a paper accepted by ACM TODS, the most prestigious journal in the database area!
Paper Accepted to ACM SIGMOD 2010
Congratulations to Byron for his co-authored paper accepted by ACM SIGMOD 2010!
Overseas Attachment
Saitung visits the system research group at Microsoft Reseach Asia, Beijing, China for three months.