

Our deparment PG Day organizes two-day research and Yacht activities for RPG students. [Link 1] [Link 2]


I teach COMP4027/7650 Data Mining for undergraduate and MSc students for 2024 Spring Term.


Our paper on graph-based logic synthesis optimization wins Best Student Paper Award at the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Logic & Synthesis (IWLS'23), EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. Congratulations to the first authors Ruofei Tang, Xuliang Zhu, and all collaborators.


The HKBU ICPC team achieves the second place observer team at ACM-HK programming contest 2023, and also three sliver medals at ICPC regional contests in Jinan, Hong Kong, and EC-Final in Shanghai.


Our deparment PG Day organizes two-day activities of research presentation and fun camp for postgradute students.


I teach COMP4027/7650 Data Mining for undergraduate and MSc students for 2023 Spring Term.


Our interdisciplinary work on curbing profanity online is awarded the Best Faculty Article Award by the Chinese Communication Association.


I teach COMP4027/7650 Data Mining for undergraduate and MSc students for 2022 Spring Term.


We regularly organize seminars for undergraduate students to practice coding skills and tackle challenging problems. If you are interested in programming and algorithms, please email me to join the HKBU-ICPC team.


I teach COMP4027/7650: Data Mining and COMP7640: Database System and Administration for 2021 Spring Term.


Our paper on HDAG summarization is selected in the best paper nominations of research track at CIKM 2020 (5 out of 920 full paper submissions). Congratulations to the first-author Xuliang Zhu and all collaborators.


Call for Papers: APWeb-WAIM 2020, Demo Track.


I teach COMP4027/7650: Data Mining and COMP7640: Database System and Administration for 2020 Spring Term.


Our paper on parameter-free structural diversity search received the best paper award at WISE 2019. Congratulation to the first-author Jinbin Huang and all collaborators.


The program of ICDM 2019 Workshop on Big Social Media Data Management and Analysis is scheduled.


I teach COMP7800: Analytic Models in IT Management for 2019 Fall Term.


New book announcement: Community Search over Big Graphs.


The program of IJCAI 2019 Workshop on Big Social Media Data Management and Analysis is scheduled.


Welcome Tianyi Liu, Xinyu Zhu, Xinlan Yang, Yishuang Chen, and Ziye Li to experience summer research at our lab.


Call for Papers: IJCAI 2019 Workshop on Big Social Media Data Management and Analysis.


I teach COMP4027/7650: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for 2019 Spring Term.


Released PP-DBLP: real-world datasets of public-private collaboration networks on DBLP. [Paper]


Welcome Yue Chen, Soroush Ebadian and Xuliang Zhu to experience summer PhD research at our lab.


A tutorial on relevant structure search in graph databases is presented at PAKDD 2018, Melbourne, Australia. [Slides]


Congratulations to Shuyao Tan, who won Prof. Sunney Chan’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.


I teach COMP4027/7650: Data Mining and COMP4035: Database System Implementation for 2018 Spring Term.


A tutorial on community search over big graphs is presented at ICDE 2017, San Diego, USA. [Paper][Slides]


I join the Department of Computer Science at Hong Kong Baptist University.