IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2019

Hands-on Session on Jan 14 (Day 2)

Chair: Norman Poh


Students taking part in the hands-on session should bring their laptops with the latest OpenCV 4.0 installed. If there is no camera in the laptop, a USB webcam is recommended.

Schedule (Tentative)

14:00 - 14:30
OpenCV 4 Introduction
Speaker: Vadim Pisarevsky, OpenCV Development Team leader
Abstract: Introduce the new features in the newly released OpenCV 4.0

14:30 - 15:15
Building blocks for video-based human analytics
Speaker: Alexander Bovyrin, Senior Principal Engineer at Intel corporation
Abstract: Introduce some models (their architectures and performance) that were included in Intel(R) OpenVINO(TM) Open Model Zoo and can be used as building blocks for biometrics applications

15:15 - 15:45
Coffee break

15:45 - 16:15
How to develop a face recognition system using OpenCV
Speaker: Jiajun Wen, Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University
Abstract: An assignment on a face recognition system. Explain how to develop the system using the component of face detection, alignment and recognition in OpenCV

16:15 - 18:00
Students develop the system with the help of instructors Vadim Pisarevsky, Alexander Bovyrin and Jiajun Wen. Students can keep developing the system after the session with the support of instructors.