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Sponsors and Sponsor Benefits


# Sponsors #

 # Sponsor Benefits #




      Official Sponsors:

IEEE Computer Society


Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Co-Organized and In Cooperation With:

Beijing University of Technology


China Computer Federation (CCF)


Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)


Maebashi Institute of Technology


Tsinghua University

Corporate Sponsors:

Beijing University of Technology


Microsoft Research Asia


National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)


Benefits for Corporate Sponsors

  • Their name and/or logo will appear in our advertising (such as the calls for papers of the conference).
  • Their name and logo will be published in the conference proceedings.
  • The conference can include their product announcements (or free products if they like) in the registration package for each conference participant.
  • All sponsor employees will be discounted to member rates for conference registration. (Non-member rates are at least 25% higher than member rates.)
Depending on  their contribute, the following benefits are also possible.
  • If space is available, they can possibly have a couple of posters at the conference venue, or staff a small table outside the conference meeting rooms for advertising their products.
  • We can possibly provide tickets to the conference dinner and/or free registrations to attend the conference.
  • Also, the conference may offer the opportunity to use a conference room during a special period for the sponsors to demonstrate their products or their current research/development projects. This can be organized as part of the software exhibitions of the conference.










IAT 2004


Thu, Sep 19, 24


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