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IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04)
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'04)
September 20-24, 2004
King Wing Hot Spring Hotel, Beijing, China
Sponsored and Organized by
The IEEE Computer Society
Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


September 20: 8 Workshops and 3 Tutorials.
September 21-24: The main conference of the WI-IAT'04 that contains 6 keynote/invited talks, research track papers presentations, industry and demo track presentations, and the WIC research centers working workshop. All the papers were selected from the 641 submissions received from over 42 countries and regions.

Advance Registration by 6 September 2004

On-line registration (and more information) at
Following the great success of previous WI and IAT conferences, WI'04 and IAT'04 will provide a leading international forum for researchers and practitioners (1) to present the state-of-the-art WI and agent technologies, (2) to cross-fertilize ideas on the development of
Web-based intelligent information systems as well as new models, new methodologies, and new tools for building a variety of embodiments of agent-based systems.


WI'04 and IAT'04 feature 6 keynote/invited talks:
The Web - Early Visions, Present Reality, The Grander Future
Professor John McCarthy (Turing Award winner)
Stanford University, USA
Incentive-Compatible Social Choice
Professor Boi B. Faltings
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Applications of Intelligent Agent Technology to The Grid
Professor Carl Kesselman
USC/Information Sciences Institute, USA
Scaling up Multi-Agent Systems through Organizational Structuring
Professor Victor Lesser
University of Massachusetts, USA
Intelligent Workstation Agents and Unstructured Workstation Data
Professor Tom M. Mitchell
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Data Mining: Artificial Intelligence in Data Analysis
Professor Xindong Wu
University of Vermont, USA


The Tutorial and Workshop programs of WI'04 and IAT'04 include:

T1: Normative Multiagent Systems:
An Introduction to Social Theory for MAS Researchers
Guido Boella, Torino University, Italy
Harko Verhagen, Stockholm University, Sweden

T2: Introduction to Wireless Intelligence
Qiang Yang
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

T3: Agent-oriented Software Engineering
Leon Sterling and Thomas Juan
University of Melbourne, Australia

W1: The 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence

W2: The 2nd International Workshop on Web-based Support Systems

W3: First International Workshop on Semantic Web Mining and Reasoning

W4: International Workshop on Advanced Technologies
for e-Learning and e-Science

W5: International Workshop on Scientific Applications of Grid Computing

W6: The 2nd International Workshop on Collaboration Agents:
Autonomous Agents for Collaborative Environments

W7: International Workshop on Reputation in Agent Societies

W8: International Workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Non-stationary
Environments and for Modeling Other Agents


The main conference of the WI'04 and IAT'04 contains 6 keynote/invited talks, research track papers presentations, industry and demo track presentations, and the WIC research centers working workshop. All the papers were selected from the 641 submissions received from over 42 countries and regions.

Technical Sessions include:
Agent Engineering
Agent Systems Modeling and Methodology
Autonomous Knowledge and Information Agents
Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC)
Distributed Problem Solving
The World Wide Wisdom Web (W4)
Intelligent e-Technology
Intelligent Web Information Systems
Knowledge Grids and Grid Intelligence
Semantics and Ontology Engineering
Social Networks and Social Intelligence
Web Agents
Web Mining and Farming
Web Information Filtering and Retrieval
Web Services
Web Support Systems

(NOTE: WI'04 acceptance rates are: 16% for Regular Papers and 20% for Short Papers. IAT'04 acceptance rates are: 16% and 22%, respectively.)


The WI'04 and IAT'04 joint conference offers an exciting social program. The conference welcome reception on Sept 21 and the conference banquet on Sept 22.

The conference banquet will be held in Qunjude Golden Hall of Beijing Hepingmen Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. Qunjude, a China's famous brand , was established in 1864 (the third year of Tongzhi of Qing dynasty).

The WI'04 and IAT'04 will organize a full-day post-conference tour on Sept. 24 to the world famous resorts, The Great Wall and The Ming Tombs.
Co-Organized and In Cooperation With
Beijing University of Technology
China Computer Federation (CCF)
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
Maebashi Institute of Technology
Tsinghua University

Corporate Sponsors
Beijing University of Technology
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Microsoft Research Asia










IAT 2004


Sun, Jan 19, 25


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