
Scholarship Recipients in Semester 1, 2012-2013

The following MSc students are the recipients of Entrance Scholarships which provided to freshmen with excellent results in their undergraduate studies:

Entrance Scholarship (2012/13 Entry):

  1. TANG Shimin
  2. SUN Qiwen
  3. CAI Jingze
  4. HE Xinyong
  5. LI Shuang
  6. LUO Jiawen
  7. MA Nanbao
  8. XIE Pengxiang
  9. YANG Tengjun
  10. Shang Peng

The scholarship ceremony was held on 16 Oct 2012, in which Prof. Y.W. Leung, Programme Director of MSc in Information Technology Management, awarded the certificate and prize to each scholarship recipient.[more photos]

Scholarship Recipients in MSc IT Management
Prof. Y.W. Leung and our MSc IT Management Scholarship Recipients
