- The EXTENDED and HARD REGISTRATION DEADLINE for paper authors without any further extension is October 10, 2006.
- Online Registration
- Registration Information
- Payment
- Note on credit card payment to China Travel Services (CTS)
Online Registration Form |
Online Registration Form:
Registration Information |
Advance Registration On or before Oct 25, 2006 |
Late / On-site Registration After Oct 25, 2006 |
IEEE(or IEEE CS) Member (*) | US$955 | US$1,060 |
Non-Member | US$1,085 | US$1,220 |
Student Member (**) | US$615 | US$655 |
Full-Time Student (**) | US$660 | US$710 |
Regular registration covers everything: all four days technical program (key-note, invited talks, tutorials, workshops, parallel sessions for accepted papers presentation, industry/demo session, etc. for WI'06, IAT'06 and ICDM'06), social program (reception, banquet on the boats), coffee breaks, as well as hardcopy proceedings of WI'06 and IAT'06 main conferences and the combined WI-IAT'06 CD-ROM proceedings of main conference and workshops.
If you do not wish to receive both hard-copy and CD-ROM copies of all proceedings, you may opt-out of receiving up to three of the included copies (you must get at least one.) The corresponding reductions in price are below. For example, if you are an IEEE member, and you choose to opt-out workshop proceedings in hardcopy and conference proceedings in hardcopy, then your advance registration fee will be US$(955-130-115-100) = US$610.
- Opt-out WI-IAT'06 workshops proceedings (Hardcopy), -US$130
- Opt-out WI'06 main conference proceedings (Hardcopy), -US$115
- Opt-out IAT'06 main conference proceedings (Hardcopy), -US$100
- Opt-out The combined WI-IAT'06 main conference and workshops proceedings (CD-ROM), -US$50
(*) IEEE (or IEEE CS) members receive automatic membership to TCII
(**) Student Registration:
- The student registration does NOT cover reception and banquet.
- Students must submit a verification letter of full-time status from the department head. Please FAX or mail the verification letter to the address below.
Note for Author Registration:
- For paper authors, to include your paper in the program as well as in the proceedings, at least one author of your paper must plan to attend the conference and pay the regular (member or non-member) registration fee.
- If you have a paper accepted, please note that your paper will not be included in the conference proceedings unless at least one (co-)author registers by Sep 29, 2006
Payment |
1 Credit Card
For Visa ,
Express card holders
China Travel Conference & Event Management Company / China Travel Service (Hong Kong) Limited will charge the Grand Total amount for the payment of the services.
Please note that we will process the payment in Hong Kong dollar and our standard exchange rate is 1 USD = 7.8 HKD
Please fax us the copies of FRONT and BACK sides of the card together with the Registration Form to confirm your registration.
Remark: Note on credit card payment to China Travel Services (CTS)
2 RMB(Renminbi) Payment (For mainland China Delegates only)
Please credit to our bank account with the Industry and Commercial Bank of China, Shenzhen branch.
Bank: | Industry and Commercial Bank of China, Shenzhen branch ![]() |
Name of Account: | China Travel Service (HK) Ltd ![]() |
Account Number: | 4000020409006591617 |
Bank Address: | No.3065, Shennan East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen ![]() |
Please fax us the deposit slip together with the Registration Form to confirm your registration. Official Conference Exchange Rate: USD1.00 = RMB8.3.
3 HK$ Direct Deposit
Please make your payment to NANYANG COMMERCIAL BANK with the account number 043-472-0-042295-2.
Please fax your bank in slip with the registration form to us to confirm
your registration.
Official Conference Exchange Rate: USD1.00 = HKD7.80
4 Telegraphic Transfer
Please credit to our bank account with the NANYANG COMMERCIAL BANK.
Name of Account: | China Travel Conference & Event Management Company |
Account Number: | 043-472-0-042295-2 |
Please fax your bank in slip with the registration form to us to confirm your registration.
Remark for Payment:
Please Mail or Fax the registration form to the following address.
The student verification letter and refund requests should also go to this
address (email or fax).
You can also email the scanned version of the form to the following email
To: Miss Rebecca Chau
China Travel Conference & Event Management Company
Address: 3/F., China Travel Building, 77 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852)21605099
Fax: (852)28511426 or (852)28541972
Note on credit card payment to China Travel Services (CTS)
Credit card payment is handled by China Travel Service, which is a listed company with strigent auditing rules. They have to follow very strict accouting and auditing rules to comply with the regulations by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. Please be assured that they will follow the procedure to handle credit card information to avoid any possible leakage. The credit card compaines require them to collect credit card information including name on card, card number, expiry date and signature, as well as front and back copies of the credit card to process the payment. The provided fax number is for exclusive use by China Travel Service and all credit card payment is handled by their permanent staff. They require all staff to file all the documents in their cabinet and all credit card information will be destroyed by the scratch machine when the event is completed and all payment finalised.