Associate Professor
Coordinator of Research Postgraduate Programme (PhD&MPhil)
Coordinator of Programming Contest Teams
Department of Computer Science
Hong Kong Baptist University
[Bio] [DB Group]
Office Hours: DLB635, 3-5 pm on Tuesdays
Email: xinhuang at
My research centers on developing innovative technologies and theories of data science, particularly at the large-scale graph data.
[Open Positions] I am looking for PhD students, research assistants, and postdocs. Please send me your CV, if you are interested.
I teach COMP4027/7650 Data Mining for undergraduate and MSc students for 2024 Spring Term.
Our paper on graph-based logic synthesis optimization wins Best Student Paper Award at the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Logic & Synthesis (IWLS'23), EPFL, Switzerland. Congratulations to Ruofei, Xuliang, and all collaborators.
Ph.D. (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014
B.Eng. (Xiamen University), 2010
Best Student Paper Award, ACM/IEEE IWLS 2023
Best Faculty Article Award, Chinese Communication Association, 2022
HKBU President’s Award for Outstanding Performance as Young Researcher, 2021
Early Career Award, Hong Kong RGC, 2020
Best Paper Nomination, ACM CIKM 2020
Best Paper Award, WISE 2019
Best Student Paper Award, IEEE ICSC 2017
ACM SIGMOD Travel Award, 2014
Mail Address:
Room 635, David C. Lam Building
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Office: DLB 635 (map)
Email: xinhuang at
Phone: (852) 3411-5958
Fax: (852) 3411-7892