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HKBU-NVIDIA Joint Symposium 2025 - Art-Tech (Feb 11)
IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2025 (Jan 12)
PDCAT 2024: The 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (Dec 13)
Seminar: Do You Believe Your Data When You Train a Neural Network? (Dec 13)
Distinguished Lecture: Geometric Deep Graph Learning: A New Perspective on Graph Foundation Models (Dec 6)
Seminar: Mitigating Distribution Shifts in Using Pre-trained Vision-Language Models (Dec 5)
Career Talk: AI Innovations in Construction by Chun Wo (Nov 6)
Seminar: Seeing Is Believing: Extracting Semantic Information from Video for Verifying IoT Events (Oct 24)
Distinguished Lecture: Big AI for Small Devices (Oct 23)
Distinguished Lecture: The Hidden Truths of Principal Component Analysis (Oct 18)
Seminar: Advancing Unified Deep Learning for Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry Analysis (Oct 14)
Alumni Gathering (Sep 27)
2024-25 Orientation Night (Sep 23)
Scholarships Presentation to Outstanding MSc Students for 2024 Intake (Sep 20)
Seminar: A Deep Dive into Meta’s Massive Infrastructure Powering Llama3 (Sep 16)
Seminar: NeuroAI: Neuroscience Can Catalyze Advanced AI Technologies and Key Applications in Data Science (Sep 10)
Seminar: Optimal Dynamic Parameterized Subset Sampling (Sep 5)
Distinguished Lecture: Artificial Intelligence (AI): Past, Present and Future (Sep 3)
Seminar: Heterogeneous Federated Learning: Generalization, Robustness, Personalization, Fairness (Aug 12)
Seminar: LLM Benchmarking and Automated Evaluation: A Deep Dive into Text Summarization (Jul 17)
Scholarships Presentation to Outstanding MSc Students - 2023-2024 Semester 2 (Jul 9)
AI x HK OpenCup 2024 (Jul 6)
Distinguished Lecture: Data Valuation in Federated Learning (Jun 28)
Seminar: Being Data-Driven is Not Enough: Considering User Needs, Privacy, and Bias in NLP Applications (Jun 11)
Commencement 2024 (Jun 5)
Seminar: IoT-Mediator - Detecting and Handling IoT Interaction Threats in Multi-Platform Multi-Control-Channel Smart Homes (Jun 5)
27th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 4)
HKBU-RIKEN AIP Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 2024 (May 23)
Seminar: Machine Learning with Noisy Labels (May 21)
Seminar: Aligning Language Agents' Behaviours with Human Moral Norms (May 21)
Tokyo Study Tour 2024 (May 14)
Seminar: Query Processing under the Secure Multi-party Computation Model (May 2)
Distinguished Lecture: Biomedicine in the Age of Generative AI (Apr 25)
Seminar: The Emergence of Human-Like Virtual Humans (Apr 25)
IT Forum: Banking and AI (Apr 20)
IT Forum: Career Development and Advancement in IT Industry (Apr 13)
IT Forum: HKBU Journey to a Smart & Connected Campus (Apr 13)
IT Forum: Cyber Security Operations: Management and Sharing on Exploring Cybersecurity Roles Through Gaming (Mar 23)
Seminar: Towards Efficient and Quality VLSI Routing (Mar 20)
Seminar: InfiAgent: A Multi-Tool Agent for AI Operating Systems (Mar 20)
Seminar: Practical Data Analytics under Differential Privacy (Mar 19)
IT Forum: Activating Your Miracle: Navigating Global Entertainment Challenges in the Digital Era (Mar 16)
Discovering Innovations in Digital Banking at Hang Seng’s ICED Hub (Mar 12)
Talk by Compathnion Technology Limited (a member of SagaDigits Limited) (Mar 5)
Talk by Protiviti Hong Kong (Mar 5)
Distinguished Lecture: Understanding Non-Verbal Communication: Decoding Facial Expressions and Gestures for Seamless Human-Robot Interaction (Feb 19)
IT Forum: Digital Innovation – The new generation of Art Tech & Sportainment (Feb 17)
Scholarships Presentation to Outstanding MSc Students - 2023-2024 Semester 1 (Feb 1)
BCDA Group Mentoring & Industry Mentoring Hour (Jan 27)
2024 Winter School on Biometrics (Jan 21)
Seminar: Computer Vision: A Journey of Pursuing 3D World Understanding (Jan 19)
Seminar: A Scalable Approach for Inferring Phylogenetic Networks from Phylogenetic Trees (Dec 15)
Inaugural Ceremony of HKBU-NVIDIA Joint AI Laboratory cum Research Symposium on AI & Data Science (Dec 8)
Distributed Systems Foundations Mini Course by Professor Amr El Abbadi (Dec 5)
Seminar: Model-based Deep Embedding for the Analysisof Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data (Nov 28)
AI x HK OpenCup 2023 - Award Ceremony (Nov 25)
AI x HK OpenCup 2023 - Final Pitching (Tertiary Students Category) (Nov 25)
AI x HK OpenCup 2023 - Final Pitching (Secondary Students Category) (Nov 25)
Seminar: Recent Advance of Two-sample Testing and Its Application in AI Security (Nov 17)
CS Homecoming Day 2023 (Nov 4)
Seminar: Traffic Accident Prediction in Doha – an Experience Report (Oct 12)
35th Anniversary of COMP: Alumni Talk by Dr. Feng Wang (Oct 10)
Seminar: Repeat-aware Insertion Calling and its Clinical Applications (Oct 10)
HKBU Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions (Oct 7)
Exploring the Digital Banking Innovations at Hang Seng’s ICED Hub (Oct 3)
2023-24 Orientation Night (Sep 22)
AI x HK OpenCup 2023 - Opening-cum-Briefing (Sep 16)
Scholarships Presentation to Outstanding MSc Students for 2023 Intake (Sep 9)
Seminar: Machine Vision based Emotional Interfaces (Sep 7)
Distinguished Lecture: The Impact of ChatGPT on Artificial Intelligence Research and Social Development (Sep 4)
Seminar: XCurve: Machine Learning with Decision-Invariant Performance Curve Metrics (Aug 25)
Seminar: Controlling the Human Microbiome (Aug 2)
Seminar: When Attribution Methods Meet Robustness of Deep Networks (Jul 24)
Distinguished Lecture: Cardinality Estimation of Approximate Substring Queries using Deep Learning (Jul 18)
Scholarships Presentation to Outstanding MSc Students - 2022-2023 Semester 2 (Jul 13)
Distinguished Lecture: Towards Production Federated Learning Systems (Jun 5)
26th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 2)
Distinguished Lecture: Bioinformatics Challenges In Complete Genomics And Metagenomics (Jun 1)
Commencement 2023 (May 31)
Seminar: Causal Representation Learning: Discovery of the Hidden World (May 25)
Singapore Study Tour 2023 (May 23)
Seminar: Towards Impactful Research: From Visual Domain Adaptation to Deep Video Compression (May 11)
Distinguished Lecture: Querying Geo-Textual Data Using Keywords – A Retrospective (Apr 28)
Seminar: Big Graph Management and Analysis: on Eccentricity Computation and Local Subgraph Algorithms (Apr 27)
Distinguished Lecture: People Analytics: Using Digital Exhaust from the Web to Leverage Network Insights in the Algorithmically Infused Workplace (Apr 25)
Distinguished Lecture: Commodifying Data Exploration (Apr 3)
Distinguished Lecture: Towards Sustainable Edge and IoT: An Integral View from the Energy Perspective (Mar 31)
Seminar: Explaining AI with Tailored Interactive Visualisations (Mar 21)
IT Forum: HKBU Journey to a Smart & Connected Campus (Mar 18)
Seminar: Working Condition Identification and Quality Prediction in the Era of Big Data and Industrial Internet (Mar 13)
IT Forum: Digital Innovation - Art Tech and AI (Mar 11)
IT Forum: The ABCD of FinTech from Internet to The Metaverse (Mar 4)
IT Forum: AI-Empowered Speech and Language Technologies (Feb 11)
Scholarships Presentation to Outstanding MSc Students - 2022-2023 Semester 1 (Feb 10)
Distinguished Lecture: Towards Interdisciplinary Education in the Metaverse (Feb 9)
IT Forum: Innovation & Technology, Hong Kong Next Growth Engine (Feb 4)
IT Forum: 10 Years Journey of a Tech Startup (Jan 14)
IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2023 (Jan 8)
HKBU-NVIDIA Joint Symposium on AI, Metaverse and Beyond (Dec 2)
Seminar: Federated Learning Systems: Towards Effective and Efficient Machine Learning Systems on Data Silos (Nov 29)
AI x HK OpenCup 2022 - Award Ceremony (Nov 25)
Distinguished Lecture: The Data Landscape: Trends and Directions (Nov 24)
AI x HK OpenCup 2022 - Final Pitch (Secondary Students Category) (Nov 19)
AI x HK OpenCup 2022 - Final Pitch (Tertiary Students Category) (Nov 19)
Commencement 2022 (Nov 17)
Scholarships Presentation to Outstanding MSc Students for 2022 Intake (Nov 12)
AI x HK OpenCup 2022 - Opening-cum-Briefing (Sep 26)
2022-23 Orientation Night (Sep 23)
25th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 17)
IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2022 (Jan 9)
Seminar: Privacy-preserving Process Mining (Jan 4)
COMP4045 Human-Computer Interaction (2021-2022 Semester 1) (Dec 16)
Commencement 2021 (Nov 16)
Alumni Homecoming Workshop on AI and Big Data (Nov 6)
Scholarships Presentation to Outstanding MSc Students for 2021 Intake (Oct 27)
2021-22 Orientation Night (Oct 8)
BCDA Freshmen Get a Taste of AI Applications with Business at Bootcamp (Sep 23)
Alumni Homecoming Dinner (Jul 16)
24th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 18)
IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2021 (Jan 24)
Commencement 2020 - Gathering for Undergraduates (Class of 2019 & 2020) (Nov 21)
Commencement 2020 - Gathering for Postgraduates (Class of 2019 & 2020) (Nov 14)
2020-21 Orientation Night (Sep 22)
Online workshop on Cloud Services & Big Data Analysis (Mar 14)
IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2020 (Jan 12)
Distinguished Lecture: Can We Educate People to be Innovative? (Nov 12)
Seminar: Guiding Rational Vaccine Design using Data Analytics and Machine Learning (Nov 5)
Seminar: Towards Trustable AI for Complex Systems -- a Life Science and AIOps Perspective (Nov 5)
BCDA Group Mentoring & Industry Mentoring Hour (Oct 29)
Colloquium: Learning Deep Neural Networks from Limited Data (Oct 18)
Fellowship and Entrance Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for MSc Programmes 2019-2020 (Oct 4)
2019-20 Orientation Night (Sep 17)
Colloquium: On Optimizing Inference in Probabilistic Graphical Models (Aug 7)
UNIPG-HKBU Italy Workshop Internship 2019 (Jul 31)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2018-2019 Semester 2 (Jul 18)
Seminar: Looking Beyond the Camera Aperture: Learning from the Field of Light (Jul 16)
Colloquium: Declarative Programming in Software-defined Networks: Past. Present, and the Road Ahead (Jul 15)
International Workshop on AI-enabled Malaria Control and Prevention (Jul 8)
i-TECH Summer Camp and Mind Drive Competition 2019 (Jun 28)
Seminar: Towards Transdisciplinary Research (Jun 25)
Colloquium: Stochastic Optimization with Queries (Jun 24)
Alumni Networking Mixer (Jun 21)
22nd Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 20)
Colloquium: A Memetic Algorithm for Symbolic Regression (Jun 18)
Colloquium: AI+Financial Services (Jun 17)
Distinguished Lecture: Blockchain in Action: Business Models, Application Examples, and Strategies (Jun 14)
Japan Study Tour 2019 (Jun 10)
2019 Joint Workshop on Design for Sustainability (D4S) (Jun 6)
Seminar: Green IoT and Data Analytics for Smart Cities (May 30)
Colloquium: Modeling the Dynamics of a Waste Deposit (May 21)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2019) (May 18)
Colloquium: Efficient Maximal Clique Computation over Large Sparse Graphs (May 15)
Colloquium: From Answering Questions to Questioning Answers (May 8)
Colloquium: Efficient Supervision Schemes for Object Detection, Segmentation, and 3D Reconstruction (Apr 17)
CIS Final Year Project Poster Presentation 2019 (Apr 16)
Distinguished Lecture: Blockchains Untangled: Public, Private, Smart Contracts, Applications, Issues (Apr 12)
IT Forum: FinTech Development and Career Prospects for IT Graduates (Apr 9)
The First IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain and Data Management (BlockDM 2019) (Apr 8)
Colloquium: Statistical Learning for Heterogeneous Biomedical Data (Apr 2)
Markov Decision Processes: Robustness and Modern Applications (Mar 6)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2018-2019 Semester 1 (Feb 26)
IT Forum Talk (Feb 26)
IT Forum: Smart City Transport with Cyber Security (Feb 19)
IT Forum: Global Internet Governance: Of the Internet and On the Internet (Feb 1)
CPChain (Cyber-Physical Chain): Decentralized Internet of Things with Blockchain Technology (Jan 30)
Colloquium: Relevance Ranking for Search Engines (Jan 29)
MSc Homecoming New Year Party 2019 (Jan 26)
Colloquium: Face Morph Detection using PRNU (Jan 25)
Data and Media Hack 2019 (DMH 2019) (Jan 25)
IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2019 (Jan 13)
Colloquium: Biometric Technologies for Forensic Science (Jan 11)
Seminar: On-device Crowdsourcing and Bytecode Search for Advancing Android App Analysis (Jan 8)
Seminar: Analyzing Semantic Correctness of Protocol Implementations with Symbolic Execution (Jan 2)
Seminar: Towards Robust Deep Learning (Dec 20)
Colloquium: Ranking based Hashing for Biometric Template Protection and Cryptosystems (Dec 14)
Seminar: Towards Human-Centric AI (Nov 23)
Seminar: Computational Intelligence for Brain-Computer Interface: Applications and Challenges (Nov 16)
2018 Graduation Reception (Nov 15)
Seminar: Image Quality Assessment: Facing the Real-World Challenges (Nov 7)
Homecoming Day 2018 (Oct 20)
Distinguished Lecture: From the Edge of Biometrics: What’s Next? (Oct 15)
HKBU Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions (Oct 13)
Industry Talk: E-Sports, Development and New Technology in Game Industry (Oct 11)
Colloquium: AI Powered FinTech at WeBank (Oct 9)
Colloquium: Memory Research in an Era of Big Data (Oct 2)
Fellowship and Entrance Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for MSc Programmes 2018-2019 (Oct 2)
Colloquium: Bayesian Network Classifiers (Sep 20)
2018-19 Orientation Night (Sep 11)
Colloquium: Big Data Analytics in Biomedical Informatics (Jul 31)
UNIPG-HKBU Italy Workshop Internship 2018 (Jul 27)
Seminar: Differential Privacy: Potential and Limitations (Jul 26)
Distinguished Lecture: Deep Representations, Adversarial Learning and Domain Adaptation for Some Computer Vision Problems (Jul 6)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2017-2018 Semester 2 (Jul 5)
i-TECH Summer Camp and Mind Drive Competition 2018 (Jun 28)
Developmental Brain Storm Optimization Algorithms (Jun 26)
Colloquium: Interpretable and Federated Tensor Factorization for Computational Phenotyping (Jun 20)
21st Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 15)
Distinguished Lecture: Non-iterative Learning Methods (Jun 6)
Industry Talk: My Career on Open Source (Jun 4)
Industry Talk: Game Production: from Idea to Design, from Implementation to Practice (Jun 4)
UG Fresh Graduate Party and Alumni Career Sharing (May 28)
2018 Joint Workshop on Design for Sustainability (D4S) (May 27)
Distinguished Lecture: Data-driven Evolutionary Optimization – Integrating Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data Sciences (May 24)
Data Management in the AI World: An Area Whose Time Has Come and Gone? (May 23)
MSc BBQ Gathering 2018 (May 19)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2018) (May 19)
CIS Final Year Project Poster Presentation 2018 (Apr 17)
IT Forum: Notes on Cherrypicks, Startups and Startup Ecosystem (Apr 16)
IT Forum: Evolution of Data Centers in Digital Transformation (Apr 10)
Distinguished Lecture: Enabling High-Quality and Efficient Vehicle Routing using Massive Trajectory Data (Apr 10)
IT Forum: Provocation of Big Data and Data Governance (Mar 27)
Colloquium: Activity Recognition and Behaviour Analysis within Smart Homes (Mar 22)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2017-2018 Semester 1 (Mar 21)
IT Forum: The Future Trend of IT Development in Greater China (Mar 20)
Workshop on Urban and Transport Analytics (Mar 13)
Distinguished Lecture: Entropic Analysis of Time Evolving Networks (Mar 8)
Colloquium: Face Presentation Attack Detection aka Anti-Spoofing (Feb 5)
MSc Homecoming New Year Party 2018 (Feb 3)
IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2018 (Jan 29)
Distinguished Lecture: "How to Achieve Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in X" Learning from Experiences at UC Berkeley (Jan 23)
Colloquium: Emotion Analysis in Natural Language (Jan 22)
Seminar: Toward Practical Object Trackers: From Feature Combination to Modality Fusion (Jan 16)
Distinguished Lecture: Recommender Systems: Beyond Machine Learning (Jan 10)
Seminar: From Dream to Reality: A Success Story of a young Engineer coming from HK (Jan 5)
Alumni Homecoming Dinner (Dec 8)
Site Visit to KMB for Computer Science Staff and Students (Dec 1)
Seminar: User Novelty Driven Personalized Item Recommendation (Dec 1)
Distinguished Lecture: Personalized Transfer Learning (Nov 21)
2017 Graduation Reception (Nov 13)
Colloquium: An Overview of NLP and Deep Learning for Healthcare Applications (Oct 23)
Seminar: From Community Detection to Community Search (Oct 11)
Seminar: Data Mining for Privacy Protection, Authorship Analysis, and Malware Analysis (Oct 9)
HKBU Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions (Oct 7)
Colloquium: Children's Privacy Protection Engine for Smart Anthropomorphic Toys (Oct 3)
Fellowship and Entrance Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for MSc Programmes 2017-2018 (Oct 3)
Seminar: Model-free Algorithms for Influence Estimation and Influence Maximization (Sep 27)
2017-18 Orientation Night (Sep 26)
Seminar: Large Scale Non-linear Classification and its Applications in Complex Biomedical Data (Sep 12)
Colloquium: From Influence to Revenue: Incentivized Social Advertising (Aug 16)
UNIPG-HKBU Italy Workshop Internship 2017 (Jul 28)
Colloquium: Computing Challenges in Big Data and Internet of Things (Jul 10)
Colloquium: From Big Data to Big Knowledge: Knowledge Engineering with Big Data (Jun 30)
i-TECH Summer Camp and Mind Drive Competition 2017 (Jun 29)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2016-2017 Semester 2 (Jun 29)
Seminar: Machine Learning in Medical Image Analysis (Jun 23)
Analyze Microbial Communities to Aid Health and Ecology Studies Using Next-generation Sequencing Data (Jun 20)
Distinguished Lecture: Face Clustering at Scale (Jun 19)
Nature-Inspired Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Generating Optimal Experimental Designs (Jun 19)
Spatial and Textual Data Management (Jun 19)
Multimedia over Future Internet: Challenges and Opportunities (Jun 16)
2017 Joint Workshop on Design for Sustainability (D4S) (Jun 14)
20th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 9)
Japan Study Tour 2017 (Jun 6)
Distinguished Lecture: Adversarial Signal Processing and The Hypothesis Testing Game (May 23)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2017) (May 20)
MSc Dinner Gathering (May 19)
Colloquium: On Regularized HSS Iteration Method for Saddle-Point Linear Systems (May 17)
Distinguished Lecture: 50+ Years of Fuzzy Sets: Machine Intelligence and Data to Knowledge (May 15)
Distinguished Lecture: Special Sensing System for Computer Vision (May 4)
Distinguished Lecture: Building a Biomedical Research Digital Commons (Apr 27)
IT Forum: Technology and The Future of Work (Apr 25)
CIS Final Year Project Poster Presentation 2017 (Apr 11)
IT Forum: ICT Project Success Redefined (Apr 11)
Colloquium: A Self-Organizing Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm (Apr 6)
Seminar: Uphill Battles in Natural Language Processing (Mar 13)
IT Forum: The Evolution of Data Centers in Digital Transformation (Feb 28)
Visit to Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks (Feb 28)
Colloquium: Dealing with an Increasing Number of Objectives in Optimization (Feb 27)
Gene Golub Memorial Day 2017 (Feb 25)
IT Forum: Latest IT Trends and Applications of Emerging Technologies in MTRC (Feb 21)
Colloquium: EC at Work: Opportunities and Challenges (Feb 13)
Colloquium: The Power of Data Science: A Case Study on Data-Driven Growth (Feb 10)
IT Forum: A Peek of Software Development Process at Oursky (Feb 8)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2016-2017 Semester 1 (Feb 3)
Global Internet Governance: Of the Internet & On the Internet (Jan 24)
MSc Homecoming New Year Party 2017 (Jan 14)
IAPR/IEEE Winter School on Biometrics 2017 (Jan 9)
Distinguished Lecture: Visual Domain Adaptation (Jan 4)
Study Tour to South China University of Technology 2017 (Jan 4)
Distinguished Lecture: My Smartphone Knows What You Print: Exploring Smartphone-based Side-channel Attacks Against 3D Printers (Dec 14)
Colloquium: Oberon = Education + Innovation (Nov 30)
Colloquium: Linguistic Key Tools for Knowledge and Innovative Applications (Nov 24)
Croucher Advanced Study Institute (ASI16) on “Frontiers in Big Data Research” (Follow-up) (Nov 18)
2016 Graduation Reception (Nov 11)
Colloquium: Finding Frequently Visited Indoor POIs Using Symbolic Indoor Tracking Data (Nov 10)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 15)
Colloquium: Human Activity Recognition and Human Authentication Using WiFi Signals (Oct 13)
2016-17 Orientation Night (Sep 22)
Entrance Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for MSc Programmes 2016-2017 (Sep 12)
Inaugural Ceremony of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Student Chapter – Hong Kong Baptist University (Sep 7)
UG Overseas Summer Research Scholarship Scheme (Sep 5)
Exchange Programme to Technical University of Munich, Germany 2016-17 (Aug 31)
Study Abroad Programme to McGill University, Canada (Aug 30)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2015-2016 Semester 2 (Jun 30)
Distinguished Lecture: Making Sense of Spatial Trajectories (Jun 29)
i-TECH Summer Camp and Mind Drive Competition 2016 (Jun 29)
Colloquium: New Development of Biometrics and Forensics, AI, PR and Big Data in Fuzzy Interactive Learning Environment (Jun 24)
Distinguished Lecture: New Correlation Filter Designs and Applications (Jun 22)
19th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 21)
2016 Joint Workshop on Design for Sustainability (D4S): Design Creative Education in Hong Kong (Jun 10)
Japan Study Tour 2016 (Jun 6)
Colloquium: Towards In Silico Network-driven Combination Drug Therapy: A Big "Small" Data Problem (May 23)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2016) (May 21)
International ICT Expo 2016 (Apr 13)
Seminar: Machine Learning Analysis and Prediction in the Oil Well Logging Industry (Apr 6)
Mind Drive Competition 2016 (for Secondary Schools) (Apr 2)
IT Forum: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Copyright and Privacy (Mar 22)
Distinguished Lecture: Artificial Intelligence: Key to Chinese Manufacturing 2025 (Mar 22)
Colloquium: Cognitive Computing and IBM Watson (Mar 17)
IT Forum: The Role of an Engineer (Mar 8)
Seminar: New Criminal and Victim Identification Methods for Sexual Offenses against Women and Children (Mar 1)
IT Forum: Management of Large Scale Outsourcing Contracts & the Development of an IT Career (Feb 23)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2015-2016 Semester 1 (Feb 23)
Seminar: On Information-theoretic Measures for Quantifying Privacy Protection of Time-series (Feb 19)
Public Lecture: Technological Innovation for Entertainment (Feb 17)
Distinguished Lecture: Physically Based Simulation for Film and Entertainment (Feb 16)
Seminar: Efficient Processing of Subscription Queries over Geo-Textual Data Streams (Feb 5)
IT Forum: Strategic Use of IT in Banking (Feb 2)
Colloquium: Multi-objective Ensemble Learning and its Applications (Jan 26)
Seminar: Full Ranking as Local Descriptor for Visual Recognition: A Comparison of Distance Metrics on Permutation Group (Jan 25)
Seminar: Systems and Algorithms for Big Data Analytics (Jan 21)
IT Forum: Hacker and Incident (Jan 19)
Colloquium: Many-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimization (Jan 15)
MSc Christmas Party 2015 (Dec 19)
Croucher Advanced Study Institute (ASI15) on “Frontiers in Big Data Research” (Dec 16)
Distinguished Lecture: Who Goes There? Applications & Challenges of Face Recognition (Dec 14)
Colloquium: Selected Topics in Online Social Network Analysis (Dec 10)
Seminar: In-Memory Database Systems on Emerging Hardware: My Ten Years’ Journey (Dec 9)
Seminar: Random Projections as Regularizers: Learning a Linear Discriminant from Fewer Observations than Dimensions (Nov 20)
Seminar: On the Curses and Blessings of High Dimensionality in Data Mining (Nov 19)
2015 Graduation Reception (Nov 13)
Distinguished Lecture: Beauty and the Computer (Nov 10)
Career Talk: Incubation and Internship Programmes (Oct 20)
Colloquium: Recommendation Services for Location-Based Social Networks (Oct 20)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 17)
Seminar: Cryptographic Access Control in Clouds (Oct 16)
2015-16 Orientation Night (Sep 17)
Colloquium: Overcoming the Scalability Challenge in Problems Associated with Network Performance Evaluation and Optimization (Sep 4)
Colloquium: Taming Subgraph Isomorphism for RDF Query Processing (Aug 7)
Colloquium: Similarity-Based IPR and e-Forensics ---Modeling and Simulation in HC Interactive Learning Environment (Aug 3)
Colloquium: Virtual Machine Auctions in Cloud Computing (Jul 24)
Seminar: Approximate High-Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Queries Using R-Forests (and other informatics research @ Baylor) (Jul 16)
Seminar: Manifold Alignment and Deep Learning for Vision Applications (Jul 16)
Study Tour to South China University of Technology 2015 (Jul 14)
UNIPG-HKBU Italy Workshop Internship 2015 (Jul 6)
i-TECH Summer Camp and Mind Drive Competition 2015 (Jul 3)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2014-2015 Semester 2 (Jul 3)
Colloquium: Graph Sampling Algorithms and Their Applications in Online Social Network Analysis (Jun 24)
Distinguished Lecture: Big Data for Everyone (Jun 18)
Colloquium: Exploring New Coding Theories for Data Storage: Language Processing and Nonvolatile Memories (Jun 12)
Japan Study Tour 2015 (Jun 5)
Seminar: Low-rank Matrix Modeling: Theory, Computation, and Applications in Image Analysis (May 27)
FWD Challenge Award 2015 - Spring Challenge (May 27)
HKCS-HKBU Industrial Mentorship Scheme - Kick-off Ceremony (May 22)
Seminar: Research Publication Adjusted Democratically and Economically (May 21)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2015) (May 16)
Distinguished Lecture: Biometric Recognition: Technology for Human Recognition (Apr 22)
IS Project Poster Presentation 2015 (Apr 21)
International IT Fest 2015 - IT Exploration Tour for Secondary Students (Apr 21)
2015 Joint Workshop on Design for Sustainability (D4S): Design Green Partnership Agreement between Kyoto and Hong Kong (Apr 16)
IT Forum: HK's Digital 21 Strategy and Smart City (Apr 14)
International ICT Expo 2015 (Apr 13)
Career Talk: Career Talk by CITIC Telecom (Mar 31)
IT Forum: Bridging the Gap: Can the War on Poverty be Won? (Mar 31)
Visit to MTR IT Department (Mar 31)
Colloquium: The World is Moving to Cloud: Challenges and Opportunities (Mar 27)
Distinguished Lecture: Is Computer Vision Pattern Recognition by a Different Name? (Mar 26)
IT Forum: The World is Moving to Cloud -- Challenges and Opportunities (Mar 25)
IT Forum: The Future and Governance of Internet (Mar 17)
Colloquium: How to Improve Measuring of the Hardness of NP-hard Optimization Problems (Mar 16)
Colloquium: On the Power of Randomization in the Design of Efficient Algorithms (Mar 13)
Colloquium: Real-Time Tracking of Mobile RFID Tags to Millimeter-Level Accuracy Using COTS (Mar 12)
Colloquium: Deep Models for Face Alignment and Pose Normalization with “small” Data (Feb 26)
Distinguished Lecture: New Challenges in Multi-robot Task Allocation (Feb 11)
Distinguished Lecture: Optimization in Machine Learning (Feb 11)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2014-2015 Semester 1 (Feb 10)
Gene Golub Day - VIP Dinner (Feb 9)
Gene Golub Day - Memorial Workshop (Feb 9)
Distinguished Lecture: Some Mysteries of Multiplication, and How to Generate Random Factored Integers (Feb 6)
IT Forum: Strategic Use of IT in the Banking Industry (Feb 3)
Alumni Homecoming Dinner (Jan 30)
Distinguished Lecture: The HDL Lola and its Translation to Verilog (Jan 27)
IT Forum: Transforming IT Organization into a Truly Business Focused Operation (Jan 27)
Distinguished Lecture: Computers and Computing in the Early Years (Jan 23)
Distinguished Speaker Luncheon with Prof. Niklaus Wirth (Jan 22)
Distinguished Lecture: The Oberon System on a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) (Jan 20)
Study Tour to South China University of Technology (Dec 29)
First Networking Mixer by the COMP Alumni Association (Dec 12)
Alumni Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2014 (Dec 6)
Distinguished Lecture: Urban Computing - Using Big Data to Solve Urban Challenges (Dec 2)
2014 Graduation Reception (Nov 14)
Seminar: Secure Query Processing with Data Interoperability in a Cloud Database Environment (Nov 4)
Seminar: Manifold Learning for Multimedia Data Analysis (Oct 28)
Seminar: Locality Sensitive Hashing for Big Data (Oct 21)
MSc BBQ Gathering (Oct 12)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 4)
Fellowship and Entrance Scholarship Presentation Ceremony for MSc Programmes 2014-2015 (Sep 30)
Colloquium: Selected Topics in Network Coding Research (Sep 24)
Career Talk: Shaping Your Future in ICT Industry (Sep 22)
2014-15 Orientation Night (Sep 11)
Seminar: Applications of Basic Shape Detection and Mobile Visual Search (Sep 2)
47th Joint School Science Exhibition (Aug 26)
Seminar: Web Persons Disambiguation (Jul 17)
i-TECH Summer Camp and Mind Drive Competition 2014 (Jul 9)
UNIPG-HKBU Italy Workshop Internship 2014 (Jul 6)
Seoul Study Tour 2014 (Jul 3)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2013-2014 Semester 2 (Jun 28)
Alumni Homecoming Dinner (Jun 20)
Seminar: Data Management and Analytics for Geo-textual Data from Social Media Feeds (Jun 18)
2014 Joint Workshop on Design for Sustainability (D4S): Mobility and Healthcare (HKBU-KyotoU) (Jun 15)
Colloquium: Soft Granular Mining: Concepts, Applications and Big Data Issues (Jun 12)
17th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 3)
CLOUD FRONTIER - Computing Gala (May 24)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2014) (May 17)
Colloquium: Dense 3D Reconstruction from Autonomous Quadrotors (May 12)
Seminar: Abnormality Detection in Co-evolving Data Streams (Apr 24)
Distinguished Lecture: Keyword-Based Spatial Web Querying (Apr 24)
International ICT Expo 2014 (Apr 13)
Distinguished Lecture: Preserving Individual and Institutional Privacy in Distributed Regression Models (Apr 9)
IT Forum: Bridging the Digital Gap (Apr 8)
Seminar: Discovering Vocabulary in Clinical Temporal Data with Application to Tracking Illness Severity in Infants (Apr 3)
IT Forum: Changing Times - Why IT Matters Now More Than Ever (Apr 1)
Colloquium: CAMS, IBM's View of New Technology Hot Spots (Mar 31)
IT Forum: Safe Cities Concept - What Makes Hong Kong as One of the Safest Cities and Most Stable Societies in the World? (Mar 31)
IT Forum: CAMS, IBM’s View of New Technology Hot Spots (Mar 28)
The 4th Mind Drive Competition (Mar 22)
Mind Drive Competition (Secondary School Section) (Mar 22)
Computer Science Open Day 2014 (Mar 22)
Distinguished Lecture: The Evolution of Probabilistic Models and Uncertainty Analysis in Computer Vision Research (Mar 20)
Colloquium: Biomedical Imaging: A Computer Vision Perspective (Mar 19)
Inaugural G.H. Golub Memorial Lecture on Numerical Quadrature: A New Way of Dealing with nearby Singularities (Mar 18)
Distinguished Lecture: The Spiral of Theodorus, Numerical Analysis, and Special Functions (Mar 14)
Seminar: The (50 years) Computer Age in Hong Kong- past, present, future & some career perspective (Mar 5)
Career Talk: HK Science Park Career Fair 2014 (Mar 1)
IT Forum: Strategic Use of IT in Banking Industry (Feb 25)
HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award (2013) (Feb 20)
Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2013-2014 Semester 1 (Feb 18)
Career Workshop: Job Search Skills Workshop (Feb 18)
IT Forum: Information Security - from Corporate to Personal Concerns (Feb 11)
Career Talk: Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (Feb 11)
Distinguished Lecture: Towards Connecting Big Data with Many People (Feb 11)
IT Forum: The Future and Governance of Internet (Jan 21)
Seminar: Location Based Social Network for Disease Surveillance (Jan 7)
Distinguished Lecture: Mapping the Next Generation Human Health on a Global Scale: Eight e-Health Mega-Themes & Trends (Dec 17)
2013 Graduation Reception (Nov 22)
Distinguished Lecture: Self-Learning Control of Nonlinear Systems based on Iterative Adaptive Dynamic Programming Approach (Nov 18)
25th Anniversary Dinner (Nov 16)
The 3rd Mind Drive Competition (Nov 16)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 19)
Entrance Scholarship of MSc Programmes - 2013-2014 (Oct 18)
Distinguished Lecture: Mobile Cloud and Crowd Computing, Communications and Sensing (Oct 17)
Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship Presentation Ceremony (Sep 12)
Orientation Night for Freshmen (Sep 12)
Colloquium: Recent Advances in Correlation Filters for Biometrics (Aug 19)
Colloquium: Medical Big Data: Medical Data Mining and Innovative Applications (Aug 15)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2012-2013 Semester 2 (Jul 6)
i-TECH Summer Camp and Mind Drive Competition 2013 (Jul 5)
Scholarship of MSc in Advanced Information Systems - 2012-2013, Semester 2 (Jun 28)
16th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jun 18)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2013) (May 18)
Colloquium: Morphogenetic Self-Organization of Collective Systems (May 10)
IS Project Poster Presentation 2013 (Apr 23)
Seminar: Improving High Availability for Cloud Computing (Apr 23)
IT Forum: New Career Trends and Career Opportunities (Apr 9)
Colloquium: New Technology Trends and Career Opportunities (Apr 9)
Seminar: Learning Compact Features from Multidimensional Data via Tensors (Apr 8)
The 2nd Mind Drive Competition (Mar 21)
IT Forum: Information Technology Security (Mar 19)
IT Forum: Talent ICT Youth Program - ICT-as-a-Career Toolkit and Career Talks (Mar 12)
IT Forum: Emergence of Mobile as Business Driver (Mar 5)
Seminar: Best of (our) Empirical Open Source Research (Mar 4)
Career Talk: Levi's Information Technology Leadership Program (Feb 25)
IT Forum: Zooming into Clinical System (Feb 19)
Seminar: Control and Liveness in Autonomous Traffic Management (Feb 19)
Colloquium: Surprising Results on Phylogenetic Tree Building Methods Based on Molecular Sequences (Feb 7)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2012-2013 Semester 1 (Feb 5)
HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award (2012) (Feb 4)
Career Talk: HK Science Park Career Fair (Feb 2)
Best Awards Presentation Ceremony (Jan 29)
Scholarship of MSc in Advanced Information Systems - 2012-2013, Semester 1 (Jan 26)
Career Workshop: CV Writing and Interview Skills Workshop (Jan 24)
Career Talk: Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (Jan 22)
Seminar: Growing Up 3.0 (Jan 22)
The 1st Mind Drive Competition (Jan 17)
Seminar: Architecting Faster and Greener Big Data Management Systems (Dec 21)
Distinguished Lecture: Hypotheses Generation as Supervised Link Discovery with Automated Class Labeling on Large-Scale Biomedical Concept Networks (Dec 12)
Colloquium: Service-oriented Computing and (Multi-)agent Systems: Can the Latter Serve the First? (Dec 10)
Distinguished Lecture: Search, Research, and Have Fun at the Same Time (Dec 4)
Research Symposium Celebrating Centenary of Alan Turing's Birth: Promises and Challenges of Future Computing and Informatics (Dec 3)
Colloquium: GPU Implementation of a Plane Wave Pseudopotential Density Functional Theory Code: Petot (Nov 30)
Career Talk: Computer Science and IT Career (Nov 28)
Career Talk: Computer Science and IT Career (Nov 21)
Seminar: An Analysis of IrisCode and its Applications (Nov 20)
2012 Graduation Reception (Nov 19)
IS Students Visited HKPC Headquarters (Nov 13)
Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Victor Lesser (Nov 12)
BBQ Gathering (Nov 3)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 27)
Entrance Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2012-2013 (Oct 16)
Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship Presentation Ceremony (Sep 20)
Orientation Night for Freshmen (Sep 20)
Seminar: An Overview of CS Researches in Tongji University (Sep 5)
UNIPG-HKBU Italy Workshop Internship 2012 (Jul 6)
Science Faculty Open Day 2012 (Jul 4)
Seminar: Differentially Private Data Publication and Analysis (Jul 3)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2011-2012 Semester 2 (Jun 30)
Alumni Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2012 (Jun 16)
Colloquium: Fostering Innovation through Translational Technologies and the Strategic Position of China (May 24)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2012) (May 19)
Seminar: Fingerprint Ridge Orientation Modeling and Its Applications (May 9)
Colloquium: Web Intelligence Research in Beijing Institute of Technology (Apr 30)
IS Project Poster Presentation 2012 (Apr 24)
IT Forum: Talk by Mr. Peng GAO (Apr 24)
Career Talk: HK Science Park Recruitment Day (Mar 24)
IT Forum: Talk by Mr. Jeff Ng (Mar 20)
IT Forum: IT Security Management (Mar 6)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2011-2012 Semester 1 (Mar 6)
Kyoto University-HKBU Joint Workshop on Field Informatics (Mar 5)
Alumni Association Bird Watching Tour: Mai Po Nature Reserve (Mar 3)
Colloquium: Emerging Technologies for High Performance Computing (Feb 28)
IT Forum: Cloud and Data Centers in Practices (Feb 28)
Career Talk: Jardine Onesolution - IT Trainee Program 2012 Career Talk (Feb 21)
IT Forum: IT Entrepreneurship (Feb 21)
Seminar: Multi-Task Learning and Its Applications (Feb 14)
IT Forum: IT in Banking (Feb 7)
Best Awards Presentation Ceremony (Jan 31)
Seminar: Scalable, Low-Latency Data Analytics and its Applications (Jan 17)
Seminar: Digital Material Appearance in Computer Graphics (Dec 13)
HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award (2011) (Nov 18)
Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Eugene Santos, Jr. (Nov 8)
2011 Graduation Reception (Nov 3)
Faculy of Science Golden Jubilee Gala Dinner (Oct 21)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 15)
Career Talk: Accelerate Growth of Good Business Concepts and Start-up Companies (Oct 11)
Colloquium: Cloud Computing: It is shaking the IT industry (Oct 7)
Entrance Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2011-2012 (Oct 7)
Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship Presentation Ceremony (Sep 16)
Orientation Night for Freshmen (Sep 16)
14th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Sep 1)
Colloquium: Cultural-Based Particle Swarm Optimization for Multiobjective Optimization and Performance Metrics Ensemble (Jul 6)
Seminar: Linear Methods for Classification (Jun 30)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2010-2011 Semester 2 (Jun 25)
RGC Visit (Jun 16)
Colloquium: The Language Grid: Service-Oriented Collective Intelligence for Language Resource Interoperability (Jun 14)
Donation from Inspur (May 31)
Mobile App Workshop (May 14)
山東省科技廳及浪潮集團訪問 (May 9)
Seminar: Finding and Connecting to the People that Matter the Most through Mobile Social Networks (May 5)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2011) (Apr 30)
IT Forum: Software Industry (Apr 26)
IS Project Poster Presentation 2011 (Apr 26)
Career Workshop: Career Opportunities and Development in IT Industry (Mar 29)
IT Forum: How does Cloud Computing change the IT Industry (Mar 29)
Career Talk: HK Science Park Recruitment Day (Mar 26)
Seminar: IT Practices – People Engagement / Career (Mar 23)
IT Forum: IT Security (Mar 22)
Career Workshop: How to Improve Your CV Writing Skills and Interview Skills for Job Search (Mar 15)
Colloquium: Machine Learning , Persistent Topology, and Circular Coordinates (Mar 14)
Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Daniel D. Lee (Mar 9)
IT Forum: IT and Banking (Mar 8)
Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Sankar K. Pal (Mar 3)
13th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Mar 3)
President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching and Long Service Awards (Mar 1)
Seminar: Visual Interfaces for Human-Centred Web Search (Mar 1)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2010-2011 Semester 1 (Feb 22)
IT Forum: IT Entrepreneurship (Feb 15)
Seminar: Representing Character Motion by Spatial Relationships (Feb 14)
Colloquium: Error-Tolerant Data Mining (Jan 28)
Seminar: Reasoning about Time, Action and Knowledge in Multi-Agent Systems (Jan 6)
Faculty of Science Xmas Party 2010 (Dec 23)
Colloquium: Intelligent Patient Monitoring with Disease Early Detection Using Data Mining Techniques (Dec 21)
Colloquium: Free Hand Interaction from Stereo Camera (Dec 14)
Colloquium: Face Recognition from Unfamiliar to Familiar (Dec 13)
Colloquium: Lifestyle Search and Recommendation (Dec 10)
Colloquium: Optical Flow: Theory, Computation and Applications (Dec 8)
Best Awards Presentation Ceremony (Dec 7)
Alumni Re-union Dinner 2010 (Nov 27)
2010 Graduation Reception (Nov 12)
Seminar: Manifold Elastic Net via Backward-Forward Least Angle Shrinkage (Nov 1)
Information Sharing Session by MTR Corporation (Oct 28)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 23)
Entrance Scholarship Award Presentation (Oct 21)
Seminar: Mathematical Modeling and its Application for Pattern Recognition (Sep 28)
Inauguration of the Computer Science Department Alumni Association (Sep 18)
Visitors from NCR (Sep 17)
Welcome Gathering for Foundation Programme Students (Sep 15)
Computer Science Department Alumni Scholarship Presentation Ceremony (Sep 10)
Orientation Night for Freshmen (Sep 10)
12th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Sep 6)
Seminar: Credit Risk Strategy Models and Mechanisms (in Putonghua) (Aug 12)
Seminar: On Decomposing a Multigraph into Triconnected Components (Jul 30)
Science Faculty Open Day 2010 (Jul 6)
Seminar: Towards Memetic Computing (Jun 28)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2009-2010 Semester 2 (Jun 19)
MSc Graduation (Class of 2010) (May 29)
IS Project Poster Presentation 2010 (Apr 20)
IT Forum Talk (Apr 13)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 30)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 23)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 16)
Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Erol Gelenbe (Mar 15)
11th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Mar 15)
Colloquium: Computing with Private Data (Mar 9)
IT Forum Talk (Feb 23)
Seminar: Learning Situation Models in Smart Spaces (Feb 12)
Seminar: Manifold Learning and Face Halluciation (Feb 10)
Career Talk: Life in Microsoft (Feb 9)
Career Workshop: Selling yourself with sound resume and cover letter (Feb 9)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2009-2010 Semester 1 (Feb 5)
Career Workshop: How to win your first job? (Feb 2)
Seminar: Adaptive Middleware for Application Flexibility and Efficiency in Sensor Networks (Feb 1)
Alumni Sharing with MSc Students (Jan 16)
Visit of South China University of Technology Delegation (Jan 6)
Colloquium: Near-Optimal Random Perturbation at Multiple Privacy Levels (Dec 10)
Seminar: Prediction of Relationships between Atomic Elements in (Hyper-)linked Domains (Dec 2)
IS Students Paid a Visit to HSBC (Nov 17)
Seminar: Opportunity from ERP market (Nov 16)
2009 Graduation Reception (Nov 9)
Seminar: Quality Information Retrieval from the Internet For Document Ranking, Web Search Engines, and Crawler Designs (Nov 9)
IS Students Visited MTR Corporation (Nov 3)
Seminar: A Computer-Based Learning Approach to Development and Evaluation of Healthcare Students’ and Practitioners’ Clinical Competencies (Oct 13)
Seminar: Feature Extraction from semi-structured Documents; and the Encoding of Temporal Graphs (Oct 12)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 10)
Seminar: Providing gigabit/sec/user Wireless Connectivity using 60GHz (Oct 8)
Seminar: Capacity of Large-scale CSMA Wireless Networks (Oct 5)
Seminar: Mobile Blood Donation Registration Service: A Case Study of Healthcare (Sep 15)
Seminar: Introduction to the state-of-the-art in Artificial Neural Network Development (Sep 14)
Orientation Night for Freshmen (Sep 11)
Welcome Gathering for Foundation Programme Students (Sep 3)
Distinguished Lecture: How Precise Documentation Allows Information Hiding to Reduce Software Complexity and Increase its Agility (Sep 1)
10th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Aug 31)
Seminar: A Hybrid Credit Scoring Model Based on Genetic Programming and Support Vector Machine (Aug 25)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2008-2009 Semester 2 (Jun 27)
Seminar: Tutorial in the field of Pattern Recognition (May 19)
Colloquium: Completeness and Optimality Preserving Reduction for Search (May 12)
Seminar: 屬性數學與人工智能 (in Putonghua) (May 8)
Seminar: Tutorial in the field of Agents, Machine Learning and Data-Mining (May 4)
Seminar: Advanced Recommendation Technologies in Web 2.0 - Part IV: User-Interface Issues in Recommender Systems (Apr 27)
IS Project Poster Presentation 2009 (Apr 21)
Seminar: Advanced Recommendation Technologies in Web 2.0 - Part III: Advanced Recommender Technologies (Apr 21)
Seminar: Planning for Optimized Product Releases (Apr 20)
Alumni Re-union Dinner (Apr 18)
Seminar: User Experience and Technology Acceptance Issues in Recommender Systems (Apr 15)
Seminar: Advanced Recommendation Technologies in Web 2.0 - Part II: Basic Recommender Methods (Apr 9)
IT Forum Talk (Apr 7)
Seminar: Advanced Recommendation Technologies in Web 2.0 - Part I: Introduction to Recommender Systems (Apr 3)
Seminar: Incu-Tech Programme Introductory (Mar 31)
Programming Contest 2009 (Mar 28)
Outstanding Student Scholarships, Service Learning Awards, and Peer Tutors Recognition Presentation Ceremony (Mar 28)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 17)
ACM-HK Student Research and Career Day (Mar 14)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 10)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 3)
Visit to Science Park (Feb 13)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2008-2009 Semester 1 (Feb 7)
Seminar: Internet Economics and ISP Settlement Problems (Feb 6)
IT Forum Talk (Feb 3)
Colloquium: Enjoy Life through Research (Jan 20)
Seminar: Towards Accurate Human Promoter Recognition (Dec 1)
Seminar: Maximizing Lifetime of Sensor-Target Surveillance in Sensor Wireless Networks (Nov 24)
Seminar: Non-Exposure Location Anonymity and Services (Nov 17)
Seminar: Multimedia Multicast Services over WiMAX Broadband Wireless Networks (Nov 12)
2008 Graduation Reception (Nov 7)
Education Meets the Real World: A Beautiful Afternoon at HSBC (Oct 28)
Colloquium: Tenfold Acceleration of Database/Office/Media/Web Applications on EuroAsiaGrid (Oct 27)
Seminar: AgentMT(TR) – a Multi-threaded Architecture Using Teleo-Reactive Plans (Oct 10)
Seminar: A Seminar on Data Mining and Privacy (Oct 6)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 4)
Orientation Night for Freshmen (Sep 8)
8th CSD PG-Day (Aug 29)
Briefing Session for MSc in IT Management (Aug 29)
Welcome Orientation for New Staff (Aug 28)
Seminar: Semantic Matching and Applications (Jul 29)
Science Faculty Open Day 2008 (Jul 8)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2007-2008 Semester 2 (Jun 28)
Colloquium: Pattern Pruning, Pattern Clustering and Summarization (Jun 10)
Seminar: An Individual-based Evolving Predator-prey Ecosystem Simulation (Jun 6)
Seminar: Frontiers in the Biometrics (Jun 2)
IS alumni gathering (May 30)
Colloquium: Finding best evidence for evidence-based best practice recommendations in health care (May 30)
Seminar: Managing the Trade-Offs Among Location Privacy, Query Performance, and Query Accuracy in Mobile Services (May 5)
Securing Your Privacy in Insecure Mobile and Ubiquitous Contexts – Safeguards Beyond Cryptography (May 2)
Alumni Homecoming Day (Apr 26)
Seminar: Transparent Anonymization: Thwarting Adversaries who know the Algorithm (Apr 25)
Seminar: Two New Linear-time Algorithms for 3-Edge-Connectivity (Apr 25)
IS Project Poster Presentation 2008 (Apr 22)
ICT2008 (Apr 14)
Programming Contest 2008 (Apr 12)
Seminar: Shape Mapping Framework for Graphics and Visual Computing (Apr 8)
Presentation of Incubation Programme by HKSTP (Mar 11)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 11)
Seminar: Product-Related B2C E-Commerce Deception: Formation, Outcomes, and Detection (Mar 6)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 4)
Seminar: Using Ontology and Semantic Detectors for Concept-based Video Search (Mar 4)
IT Forum Talk (Feb 26)
Seminar: Achieving Network Robustness with Diversity Overlay Routing (Feb 26)
Seminar: Towards Accurate and Efficient Classification: A Discriminative and Frequent Pattern-based Approach (Feb 26)
IT Forum Talk (Feb 19)
IBM Champion University Award (Feb 16)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2007-2008 Semester 1 (Feb 2)
Seminar: Estimating the Number of Genuine and Fraudulent Clicks in the Pay-Per-Click Model (Jan 30)
Seminar: High Resolution Acquisition, Tracking and Animation of Dynamic Facial Expressions (Jan 30)
IT Forum Talk (Jan 29)
Visit to the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP) (Jan 29)
Seminar: Top-10 Algorithms in Data Mining (Jan 10)
Seminar: Community and Media: Concepts and Systems (Dec 17)
Seminar: Towards a Belief Revision Based Adaptive Information Retrieval System (Dec 14)
Colloquium: From Pixels to Perception (Nov 28)
Visit to Hong Kong Airport 2007 (Nov 21)
2007 Graduation Reception (Nov 12)
Colloquium: JPSearch-An Emerging Standard for Search and Retrieval of Images (Oct 25)
Colloquium: Knowledge in Your Pocket (Oct 16)
HKBU JUPAS Information Day (Oct 6)
Entrance Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony (Sep 11)
Orientation Night for Freshmen (Sep 11)
Colloquium: Optimal Multicast in Undirected Networks (Aug 31)
Colloquium: Research Issues of Privacy Access Control Enforcement Model for Mobile Ad Hoc Healthcare Services (Aug 30)
Colloquium: Tractable Combinatorial Auctions Via Graph Matching (Aug 8)
Colloquium: Semantic Integrated Services with Wireless Sensors (Jul 20)
Science Faculty Open Day 2007 (Jul 9)
Scholarship of MSc in IT Management - 2006-2007 Semester 2 (Jun 23)
Colloquium: International Colloboration to Combat Cybercrime (May 28)
Colloquium: Graph Neural Networks (May 16)
Colloquium: Self-Organising Map Techniques for Graph-Data Applications (May 16)
Colloquium: Web and Mobile Data Managent (Apr 26)
IS Project Poster Presentation 2007 (Apr 17)
Colloquium: Online Evolutionary Algorithms (Apr 3)
Colloquium: GORDA: An Open Architecture for Database Replication (Mar 19)
Colloquium: What do you do when a picture isn't worth a thousand words? Data interpretation in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (Mar 13)
IT Forum Talk (Mar 6)
IT Forum Talk (Feb 27)
President's Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work and Long Service Awards (Feb 27)
IT Forum Talk (Feb 6)
Problem-Solving Contest 2007 - Presentation Ceremony (Feb 5)
IT Forum Talk (Jan 30)
Informal Gathering & Scholarship of MSc in IT Management (Jan 20)
ASI07 (Jan 13)
5th Postgraduate Research Symposium (Jan 11)
Colloquium: A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Task Assistance for Persons with Dementia (Jan 10)
IT Winter-Camp 2006 (Dec 30)
Reception for COMP Graduates at Commencement (Nov 13)
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