Department Events
Inaugural G.H. Golub Memorial Lecture on Numerical Quadrature: A New Way of Dealing with nearby Singularities
Jointly Organized by
Department of Computer Science & Department of Mathematics
Inaugural G.H. Golub Memorial Lecture
Numerical Quadrature:
A New Way of Dealing with nearby Singularities
Prof. Walter Gautschi
Professor Emeritus
Department of Computer Science
Purdue University, USA
Date: March 17, 2014 (Mon)
Time: 5:00 - 6:00pm
Venue: WLB211, Wing Lung Bank Building, Shaw Campus, HKBU
Numerical integration by Gaussian quadrature is considered in cases where poles, or other singularities, are located near the interval of integration. The manner of dealing with such singularities consists in suitably modifying Gaussian quadrature rules and the related orthogonal polynomials. Several examples are given, taken from quantum chemistry and solid state physics.
Prof. Gautschi obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Basel under the famous Prof. A. Ostrowski. After working at Harvard, the National Bureau of Standards, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Gautschi joined Purdue University in 1963 as Professor of Computer Science and became Professor Emeritus in 2000. Prof. Gautschi was elected to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Turin Academy of Sciences, both in 2001. His selected research works with commentaries were published in three volumes by Birkhäuser in 2014.
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