Dr. Henry Dai and Dr. Xin Huang, Associate Professors of the Department of Computer Science, have been recognised as the 2023 AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention by AMiner for their extensive research findings in the fields of Internet of Things and Database respectively.
Dr. Dai and his research team are committed to advancing the convergence of IoT and blockchain technologies, bolstering privacy and security measures. They are also exploring how this powerful combination can be applied in the critical domains of medicine and healthcare.
For Dr. Huang, this marks his second consecutive year receiving this prestigious accolade, further signifying his unwavering commitment to delivering high-impact research and publishing in top-tier venues within his field.
The AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Annual List is a global initiative designed to honor 2,000 of the world's foremost research scholars in the field of artificial intelligence throughout the decade from 2020 to 2029. This prestigious list recognises individuals for their exceptional technical achievements and enduring contributions that have left a significant impact on the field. Each year, the top 10 scholars in each domain will be named as "AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars", while those ranked 11-100 are acknowledged with the title of "AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention".