Computer Science Researchers Secure Over HK$10 Million in Prestigious RGC Research Funding

2 Jul 2024

The Department of Computer Science has made a remarkable achievement, securing over HK$10 million in research funding from the Research Grants Council (RGC) for the 2024/25 funding cycle. This year, a total of 11 projects received the award, encompassing 8 project grants under the General Research Fund (GRF) and 3 awards through the Early Career Scheme (ECS), an increase of 175% and 102% in terms of number of awarded projects and funding amount compared to previous year, respectively.

"This outstanding funding accomplishment would not have been possible without the exceptional efforts and dedication of all our researchers," Professor Jianliang Xu, Head of the Department, stated. Beyond congratulating the winning faculty, he also expressed deep gratitude to the entire department team for their collaborative work in submitting high-quality proposals.

Looking ahead, Professor Xu affirmed, "Leveraging this strong foundation of support, the Department will continue to pursue even more impactful multi-disciplinary and transdisciplinary research projects. This will enable us to extend the real-world influence of our work well beyond the academic sphere."

The GRF and ECS are competitive peer-reviewed research funding schemes administered by the RGC. The GRF supports researchers who have demonstrated or have the potential for research excellence, while the ECS aims to nurture junior academics and prepare them for a career in education and research.

Funding Scheme Principal Investigator Project Title
GRF Professor Yiu-ming Cheung Towards Lightweight Learning Framework for Simultaneous Multiple Visual Recognition in Dynamic Environments
Dr. Xin Huang Efficient Community Search over Massive Multi-layer Networks
Dr. Yang Liu Learning Non-stationary and Chaotic Behaviors for Spatiotemporal Prediction: An Information Tracking Approach
Dr. Chengzhi Piao Graph Matching Optimization: A Multi-Task Framework for Addressing NP-Hard Graph Problems
Dr. Jun Qi Quantum Machine Learning for Healthcare Data Processing
Dr. Qichen Wang Query Evaluation under Updates: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
Professor Jianliang Xu Vector Similarity Search in High-Dimensional Spaces
Professor Pong-chi Yuen Synthesising Lesion Images with Pixel-level Labels Without Manual Annotations for Medical Image Analysis Model Learning
ECS Dr. Yifan Chen Statistical Modeling of Empirical Distribution Transforms via Wasserstein Metrics
Dr. Juncheng Wang Distributed Machine Learning at Wireless Edge Networks: Joint Online Optimization of Computation and Communication
Dr. Kaiyang Zhou A Chain-of-Thought Prompting Framework for Responsible Visual Decision-Making