Associate Professor Byron Choi receives President's Award for Outstanding Young Researcher
29 Feb 2016
Dr. Byron Choi receives President's Award for Outstanding Young Researcher
Prof. Roland T. Chin, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKBU (left) and Dr. Byron Choi at the award presentation ceremony
Dr. Byron Choi (Koon Kau), Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science, was awarded the President's Award for Outstanding Young Researcher 2016. The President's Award selection committee acknowledges Dr. Byron Choi as an outstanding young researcher on account of his excellent contributions to the fields of graph-structured databases, view updates and maintenance, and security and privacy-aware computing.
Dr. Choi has demonstrated growing maturity in scholarly work with emerging standing in the international scene. After joining HKBU, Dr. Choi and his colleagues formed a database research group at the Department. Dr. Choi has an outstanding publication record in the area of data engineering, including 9 publications in the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) and 6 research papers in the IEEE International Conference in Data Engineering (ICDE). He has secured General Research Funds (GRF) three times (HKD1.41 million in total). He has been an international collaborator of three projects of Academic Research Fund (AcRF) by the Ministry of Education, Singapore, and one project funded by National Science Foundation, China (NSFC).
He was the director of Croucher Advanced Study Institute (ASI) titled Frontiers in Big Data Graph Research in 2015. He has been serving as a member of the IEEE Technical Committee of Data Engineering (TCDE). He served as a member of the technical committees of numerous international conferences including the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 2015. He filed US patents on (i) efficient data-oriented side effect estimation techniques for relational databases, and (ii) privacy-preserving subgraph query for graph-structured databases.
Dr. Choi is the only colleague to be presented the President's Award for Outstanding Young Researcher 2016.