General Information

The Minor in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (DAAI) programme aims to train students from different disciplines to be able to understand and apply the data driven approach and AI technologies (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing, data mining) to solve problems and innovate for new opportunities in different disciplines.

The programme is co-offered by Department of Computer Science and Department of Mathematics. All undergraduate students, except (i) students from Department of Computer Science; or (ii) students from Department of Mathematics; or (iii) students from Data and Media Communication concentration of Journalism, are eligible to pursue the study of the minor programme. Students are required to take three Required Courses to acquire basic skills and knowledge needed for DAAI and two DAAI related Elective Courses, with at least one course at Level 3 or 4. Please note that no registration priority will be given to enrolment in minor courses. Upon completion of five courses required for the minor programme, students should apply to the Academic Registry for approval.


THREE Required Courses:
Course Code Course Title Units Offered in 2024-2025
Sem. 1 Sem. 2
Introduction to Python and Its Applications
Mathematical Methods for Business Computing

COMP2865Fundamental of Data Analysis and Management3
Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence
AI and Data Analytics for Health and Social Innovation I

Total:   9

Any TWO of the Following Elective Courses*:
Course Code Course Title Units Offered in 2024-2025
Sem. 1 Sem. 2
COMP3057Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning3
COMP3065Artificial Intelligence Application Development3
COMP3115Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization3
COMP4015Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning3
COMP4085Selected Topics in Intelligent Informatics3
COMP4125Visual Analytics3
COMP4135Recommender Systems and Applications3
COMP4136Natural Language Processing3
COMP4137Blockchain Technology and Applications3
ITEC2016Data-driven Visualization for the Web3
ITEC3015Web Development for Data Storytellers 3
MATH3626Computational Statistics for Data Science3
MATH3836Data Mining3
Total:   6

Total:  15 Units

* Students are required to take at least one elective course at Level 3 or 4; Students must fulfill the prerequisites or obtain approval from the instructors before they can enroll these courses.

For further information, please e-mail to .

Suggested Schedule (For Reference Only)

Year Sem. 1 Sem. 2
1 - -
2 ITEC1007 Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence COMP1007 Introduction to Python and Its Applications
3 COMP2865 Fundamental of Data Analysis and Management COMP3115 Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization
4 Option 1:
COMP3057 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Option 2:
MATH3836 Data Mining

Please note that the suggested schedule is for reference only, the course offering schedule is subject to change in different years.