Dr. LAI, Jean Hok Yin
Dr. LAI, Jean Hok Yin

BA, MSc, MSc, PhD
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science


Jean received her PhD degree from the Department of Information Systems at the City University of Hong Kong. Before joining the Hong Kong Baptist University, she was with the University of Hong Kong. Previous to her research studies, she worked as an instructor at the City University of Hong Kong. Before joining the City University of Hong Kong, she was an IT practitioner in the Hong Kong banking sector for a few years.

Research Interests

  • Financial Decision Support Systems
  • E-Learning
  • Social Computing
  • Intelligent Agent Technologies

Selected Publications

  • Hokyin Lai, Minhong Wang, and Huaiqing Wang, “Intelligent Agent-based e-Learning System for Adaptive Learning”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, Vol.7, No.3, July-September 2011, pp.1-13.
  • Hokyin Lai, Minhong Wang, and Huaiqing Wang, “e-Learning System for Adaptive Learning”, Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Osaka, Japan, September 2010.
  • Hokyin Lai, Yingfeng Wang, and Huaiqing Wang, “Bayesian Network Based Multi-agent System for Target Selection Process in Hedge Fund Activism”, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009), San Francisco, California, USA, August 2009.
  • Jingwen He, Hokyin Lai, and Huaiqing Wang, “A Commonsense Knowledge Base Supported Multi-agent Architecture”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36, Issue 3, Part 1, April 2009, pp. 5051-5057.
  • Vogel Doug, Kennedy David, Kuan Kevin, Kwok Ron, and Lai Jean, ""Do Mobile Device Applications Affect Learning?"", Proceedings of The 40th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS-40), Hawaii, USA, January 2007.