Dr. FENG, Jian
BEng, MSc, PhD
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Computer Science
Dr. Feng received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from The University of New South Wales. She joined the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2005 and currently is a senior lecturer.
Research Interests
Digital video processing
Multimedia communications
Internet applications
Digital watermarking
Video transmission and storage system
Selected Publications
J. Feng, Y. Chen, K.T. Lo and X.D. Zhang, ‘Error resilient H.264 video encoder with Lagrange multiplier optimization based on channel situation’, Advanced Video Coding for Next-Generation Multimedia Services, pp.101-116, edited by Y.S. Ho, InTech Education and Publishing, Dec. 2012. (ISBN 980-953-307-677-0)
J. Feng, Y. Chen, K.T. Lo and X.D. Zhang, ‘An adaptive error resilient scheme for packet-switched H.264 video transmission’, Effective Video Coding for Multimedia Applications, pp.211-226, edited by S. Radhakrishnan, InTech Education and Publishing, 2011. (ISBN: 978-953-307-177-0)
Y. Chen, J. Feng, K.T. Lo and X.D. Zhang, ’Content analysis based smart macroblock rearrangement for error resilience in wireless video transmission’, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol.19, no.6, pp.343-354, Aug. 2008.
W.F. Poon, K.T. Lo and J. Feng, ‘Interactive broadcasting system for VBR encoded video’, IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, vol.53, no.2, pp.459-467, June 2007.
W.F. Poon, K.T. Lo and J. Feng, ‘Provision of continuous VCR functions in interactive broadcast VoD systems’, IEEE Trans. Broadcasting, vol.51, no.4, pp.460-472, Dec. 2005.