Prof. MOHAN, C.
Distinguished Professor of Science,
Department of Computer Science
Professor C. Mohan is currently the Distinguished Professor of Science in the Department of Computer Science at Hong Kong Baptist University.
Professor Mohan retired in June 2020 from being an IBM Fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center in Silicon Valley. He was an IBM researcher for 38.5 years in the database, blockchain, AI and related areas, impacting numerous IBM and non-IBM products, the research and academic communities, and standards, especially with his invention of the well-known ARIES family of database locking and recovery algorithms, and the Presumed Abort distributed commit protocol.
His journal papers on ARIES and Presumed Abort are considered classic papers in the areas of transactions, recovery, distributed commit and locking, and are included in a collection of database papers, informally called the "Red Book", edited by ACM Turing Award winner Prof. Michael Stonebraker. He is an inventor of 50 patents.
Professor Mohan’s research, publications, inventions and technology transfer contributions have been well appreciated both inside and outside IBM over the decades via numerous awards and other recognition, including IBM (1997-2020), ACM (2002-) and IEEE (2002-) Fellow, also as the IBM India Chief Scientist (2006-2009). In addition to receiving the ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award (1996), the VLDB 10 Year Best Paper Award (1999) and numerous IBM awards, Professor Mohan was elected to the United States and Indian National Academies of Engineering (2009), and named an IBM Master Inventor (1997).
During the last many years, he focused on Blockchain, AI, Big Data and Cloud technologies.
Details of Professor Mohan’s Biography:
Research Interests
Artificial Intelligence
Blockchain Technologies
Cloud Computing
Database Management
Distributed Systems
Selected Publications
Kesavan, R., Gay, D., Thevessen, D., Shah, J., Mohan, C. Firestore: The NoSQL Serverless Database for the Application Developer. Proc. 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE ‘23), Anaheim, USA, April 2023.
Abadi, D., Ailamaki, A., Andersen, D., Bailis, P., Balazinska, M., Bernstein, P., Boncz, P., Chaudhuri, S., Cheung, A., Doan, A., Dong, L., Franklin, M., Freire, J., Halevy, A., Hellerstein, J., Idreos, S., Kossmann, D., Kraska, T., Krishnamurthy, S., Markl, V., Melnik, S., Milo, T., Mohan, C., Neumann, T., Ooi, B. Ozcan, F., Patel, J., Pavlo, A., Popa, R., Ramakrishnan, R., Ré, C., Stonebraker, M., Suciu, D. The Seattle Report on Database Research. Communications of the ACM (CACM ‘22), Volume 65, Issue 8, August 2022.
Mohan, C. State of Public and Private Blockchains: Myths and Reality. Proc. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD ’19), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2019.
Barber, R., Huras, M., Lohman, G., Mohan, C., Müller, R., Özcan, F., Pirahesh, H., Raman, V., Sidle, R., Sidorkin, O., Storm, A., Tian, Y., Tözün, P. Wildfire: Concurrent Blazing Data Ingest and Analytics. Proc. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD ’16), San Francisco, USA, June 2016.
Mohan, C. History Repeats Itself: Sensible and NonsenSQL Aspects of the NoSQL Hoopla. Proc. 16th International Conference on Extending Data Base Technology (EDBT ’13), Genoa, Italy, March 2013.
Fang, R., Hsiao, H., He, B., Mohan, C., Wang, Y. High Performance Database Logging Using Storage Class Memory. Proc. IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE ‘11), Hannover, Germany, April 2011.
Rao, J., Pirahesh, H., Mohan, C., Lohman, G. Compiled Query Execution Engine using JVM. Proc. 22nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE ‘06), Atlanta, USA, April 2006.
Altinel, M., Bornhoevd, C., Krishnamurthy, S., Mohan, C., Pirahesh, H., Reinwald, B. Cache Tables: Paving the Way for an Adaptive Database Cache. Proc. 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB ‘03), Berlin, Germany, September 2003.
Mohan, C. Repeating History Beyond ARIES. Proc. 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB ’99), Edinburgh, UK, September 1999.
Josten, J., Mohan, C., Narang, I., Teng, J. DB2's Use of the Coupling Facility for Data Sharing. IBM Systems Journal, Volume 36, Number 2, 1997.
Mohan, C., Pirahesh, H., Tang, G., Wang, Y. Parallelism in Relational Database Management Systems. IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1994.
Mohan, C., Narang, I. Data Base Recovery in Shared Disks and Client-Server Architectures. Proc. 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS ’92), Yokohama, Japan, June 1992.
Mohan, C., Levine, F. ARIES/IM: An Efficient and High Concurrency Index Management Method Using Write-Ahead Logging. Proc. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD ‘92) San Diego, USA, June 1992.
Mohan, C., Haderle, D., Lindsay, B., Pirahesh, H., Schwarz, P. ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS ‘92), Vol. 17, No. 1, March 1992.
Mohan, C., Lindsay, B., Obermarck, R. Transaction Management in the R* Distributed Data Base Management System. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS ’86), Volume 11, Number 4, December 1986.
Lindsay, B., Haas, L., Mohan, C., Wilms, P., Yost, R. Computation and Communication in R*: A Distributed Database Manager. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS ’84), Volume 2, Number 1, February 1984. Selected from Proc. 9th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’83), Bretton Woods, USA, October 1983.