General Information

Students seeking to pursue the study of a minor programme would need to fulfil 15 units of courses, with at least one 3-unit course at Level 3 or 4. Please note that no registration priority will be given to enrolment in minor courses. Upon completion of the 15 units required for the minor programmes, students should apply to the Academic Registry for approval.


Any FIVE of the following 3-unit courses*:
Course Code Course Title Units Offered in 2024-2025
Sem. 1 Sem. 2
COMP1005#Essence of Computing# 3
COMP1007Introduction to Python and Its Applications 3
COMP2005Business in the IT Context3
COMP2865%Fundamental of Data Analysis and Management% 3
COMP3115%Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization%3
COMP4045@Human Computer Interaction@ 3
COMP4106E-Business Technology3
COMP4116Information Systems Management3
COMP4125@Visual Analytics3
COMP4126Health Informatics: Technology and Practices 3
ITEC1007 Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence 3
Web Design and Development with 2D/3D Animations^
Data-driven Visualization for the Web%^

ITEC2015iMakeApps 3
ITEC3006Music, Photo and Movie Processing 3
ITEC3015Web Development for Data Storytellers 3
Total:   15

GE Capstone Course that can be double-counted towards one of the 3-unit course requirement**:
Course Code Course Title Units Offered in 2024-2025
Sem. 1 Sem. 2
GCAP3055GE Capstone Interdisciplinary Independent Study (COMP) 3
GCAP3065Design for Smart City: Towards a Sustainable Living 3

* Students are required to take at least one 3-unit course at Level 3 or 4; Students must fulfill the prerequisites or obtain approval from the instructors before they can enroll these courses.

# This course is not counted towards the requirement for Minor Programme in Information Technology for Science Faculty students unless it is not counted towards the requirement for their major programmes. Students who wish to add this course should follow the Adding a course with course instructors' approval procedure to add this course during Course Add/Drop period.

% For students of the Data and Media Communication (DMC) concentration, these courses cannot be counted towards the requirement for Minor Programme in Information Technology.

@ For students of the Data and Media Communication (DMC) concentration, COMP4045 and COMP4125 can be counted towards the requirement for Minor Programme in Information Technology if they are not counted towards the requirement for their major programmes.

^ Students can take either ITEC2005 or ITEC2016 to fulfil the requirement for Minor Programme.

** For students who have passed a GE Capstone course offered by COMP (i.e. either GCAP3055 GE Capstone Interdisciplinary Independent Study (COMP) or GCAP3065 Design for Smart City: Towards a Sustainable Living), it can be double-counted towards one of the 3-unit course requirement, the outstanding 3 units can be made up by taking any 3 units of free elective course.

For further information, please e-mail to .