Step 1: | Submit a thesis title for approval, not less than 2 months before the presentation of the thesis. Thereafter no modification of the title shall be made without approval. |
Step 2 |
Format of the thesis, details of which can be found at the Handbook for Research Postgraduate Students. |
Step 3: | Before the oral examination, MPhil students are required to submit 4 copies of the thesis to the Graduate School for the 4 examiners (including the Principal Supervisor), and PhD students are required to submit 6 copies for the 5 examiners and the Principal Supervisor. In either case, if a Proxy is involved, the student must submit 1 more copy for the Proxy. |
Step 4: | After the oral examination, the student will receive the oral
examination result from the Graduate School shortly, and may be required
to revise/re-write the thesis accordingly based on the comments and
suggestions of the Examination Board. Normally, if the final version of
the thesis is eventually ready to be submitted, the student should
submit the following to the Office of Graduate School:
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) | Year | Graduate | Supervisor | Thesis |
2023 | JI Yang | XU Jianliang | Towards Secure, Efficient, and Versatile Blockchain Light Clients |
ZHANG Zhirun | CHEN Li | Design of Feature-Based Explanations for Recommender Systems | |
2022 | CHAN Sheung Wai | CHEUNG Yiu Ming | Advances in Query Intention Construction and Learning in Image Retrieval |
2019 | CHEN Junjie | CHEUNG Kwok Wai | Learning Hash Codes for Multimedia Retrieval |
SONG Lihong | CHEUNG Kwok Wai | Medical Concept Embedding with Ontological Representations | |
2017 | CHANG He | LEUNG Yiu Wing | Server Selection for Heterogeneous Cloud Video Services |
LIANG Fengfeng | CHEN Li | Overlapping Community Detection Exploiting Direct Dependency Structures in Complex Networks | |
2016 | HE Jingzhu | LEUNG Yiu Wing | Video File Distribution among Geo-distributed Cloud Servers |
2014 | TANG Chao | CHEUNG KW | Computational Models for Mining Online Drug Reviews |
YANG Xiaofei | LIU Jiming | Inferring Disease Transmission Networks | |
2013 | CHENG Quan Jia | NG Joseph | A WLAN Location Estimation System using Center of Gravity as an Algorithm Selector | GAO Shen | XU Jianliang | Transaction Logging and Recovery on Phase-Change Memory | LAI Yong Quan | YUEN PC | Analyzing Human Motion by Sparse Methods, With Applications to Computer Animation | LI Hong Ping | XU Jianliang | Secure Proximity Queries in Mobile Geo-Social Service | SHUM Chin Yiu | NG Joseph | Detecting, Locating, and Tracking Mobile User within a Wireless Local Area Network | WONG Yee Man | XIAO Bo | Understanding Cyber-bullying: An Empirical Investigation |
2012 | CHEN Weidong | LIU Jiming | Discovering Communities by Information Diffusion and Link Density Propagation |
QI Luole | CHEN Li | Conditional Random Fields based Method for Feature-level Opinion Mining and Results Visualization | |
TSOI Ho Keung | CHEN Li | The Cross- Cultural Study of Users’ Behavior in Social Network Sites | |
2011 | CHOI Chung Ho | CHEUNG KW | Patient Journey Shortening using a Multi-agent Approach |
DENG Jintian | CHOI KK | Incremental Maintenance of Minimal and Minimum Bisimulation of Cyclic Graphs | |
LEUNG Kwan Wai | LI CH | Commentary-based Social Media Clustering with Concept and Social Network Discovery | |
WANG Xiaoling | LEUNG Clement | Analysis of Internet Image Search Performance | |
XIE Xiaohui | TAM HW | A Matrix Free Method for Unconstrained Optimization Problems | |
YAN Yong | CHU Xiaowen | Performance Analysis and Improvement of IEEE 802.11 Protocols | |
ZHAO Kaiyong | CHU Xiaowen | A Multiple-Precision Integer Arithmetic Library for GPUs and Its Applications | |
ZHAN Tianjie | LI CH | Semantic Analysis for Extracting Fine-grained Opinion Aspects | |
2010 | CHAN Wing Sze | LEUNG Clement | Semantic Search of Multimedia Data Objects through Collaborative Intelligence |
ON Sai Tung | XU Jianliang | Efficient Transaction Recovery on Flash Disks | |
2009 | CHAN Kai Kin | CHEUNG KW | Managing Service-Oriented Data Analysis Workflows using Semantic Web Technology |
PAN Jianjia | TANG YY | Image Segmentation based on the Statistical and Contour Information | |
WU Di | CHAN Stephen | Goal-Based Requirements Engineering - Exploring with the 'RADIE' Approach for Ontological Elaboration | |
2008 | CHAN Ka Ho | CHU XW | Mechanisms for Provisioning Quality of Service in Web Servers |
FENG Yicheng | YUEN PC | Template Protecting Algorithms for Face Recognition System | |
NG Ka Fung | SIM KM | Designing and Implementing Relaxed-Criteria G-Negotiation Agents | |
SHI Benyun | SIM KM | A Concurrent Negotiation Mechanism for Grid Resource Co-allocation | |
YEUNG Man Chung | NG Joseph | Wireless LAN Positioning in Indoor Environment | |
2007 | CHOW Wing Yan | LEUNG Yiu Wing | Packet Loss Recovery in Internet Telephony |
DU Jing | XU Jianliang | Privacy Protection in Location-based Applications | |
2006 | HUI Chui Ying | NG Joseph | Broadcast Algorithms and Caching Strategies for Mobile Transaction Processing |
WANG Tingting | LIU Jiming | Multi-Agent Team Competitions and the Implementation of a Team-Strategy | |
WU Minji | XU Jianliang | Energy-Efficient Query Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
2005 | CHU Man Kin | NG Joseph | A Hybrid Approach for Mobile Location Estimation in Cellular Radio Networks |
HU Bing Cheng | LIU Jiming | The Relationship between Local Behavior and Global Characteristics in Multi-Agent Systems | |
WONG Hak Lim | NG Joseph | Signal Strength-based Location Estimation in Two Different Mobile Networks | |
YEUNG Chung Kei | CHAN Stephen | Ontological Model for Information Systems Development Methodology | |
2004 | AU Kwok Chung | CHEUNG William | Information Extraction for On-line Job Advertisements |
KAN Ka Ho | NG Joseph | Location Estimation System Based on the GSM Network | |
WU Zhili | LI CH | Kernel Based Learning Methods for Pattern and Feature Analysis | |
2003 | CHAN Ka Chun | NG Joseph | A Dual Channel Design Based on the Global Positioning System and the GSM Network in Providing Location Services for Mobile Computing |
YIU Lai Kuen | WONG Wai | Chinese Character Synthesis: Towards Universal Chinese Information Exchange | |
2002 | HUI Kin Cheung | NG Joseph | The Design and Implementation of a MPEG Video System with Transmission Control and QoS Support |
WONG Chun Chuen | CHAN Stephen | Graph Approach Modeling and Optimal Heuristics for the One-Dimensional Cutting and Packing Problems | |
2000 | CHIN Chi Kwan | LEUNG YW | Design and Control of an Internet Telephony System |
HUI Ka Keung | LIU Jiming | A Method of Episode Identification and Association in Human-Computer Interaction with Applications to Personalized Interface Agents | |
1999 | CHOY, Wai Hing | WONG Wai | Verification Tools for Communication Protocol Design |
WAI Hon Kee | NG Joseph | Priority Feedback Mechanism with Quality of Service Control for MPEG Video System | |
1998 | QIN Hong | LIU Jiming | Multi-Level Behavioral Self-Organization in Computer-Animated Lifelike Synthetic Agents |
1996 | CHOI Chung For | CHAN Stephen | Enhancing Businese Process Reengineering Success |