Dr. DAI, Henry Hong Ning
Dr. DAI, Henry Hong Ning

BEng , MEng , DEng, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Personal Webpage HKBU Scholars


Dr. Hong-Ning Dai (Henry) obtained a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a D.Eng. in Computer Technology Application from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before joining HKBU, he worked in the Department of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Macau University of Science and Technology, and the Department of Computing and Decision Sciences at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. He has published more than 250 papers in referred journals and conferences, including Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE JSAC, IEEE TMC, IEEE TPDS, IEEE Trans. on Computer, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE/ACM, ICSE, ACM/IEEE ASE, IEEE INFOCOM, ICDE, ICDCS, AAAI, ACM CSUR, ACM TOSEM, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, etc. He is a senior member of ACM, IEEE, and EAI. He has served as an associate editor for IEEE Communications Survey and Tutorials, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Ad Hoc Networks, and Connection Science. He has served as a PC member of top-tier conferences, including WWW'24, SDM'24, ASE'23, KDD'23, KDD'24, CIKM'19, ICPADS'19. He has also served as general chair/PC chair of many international conferences.

Dr. Henry Dai is recruiting self-motivated Ph.D./RA/Post-doc with a strong background in computer science, electronic engineering, or applied mathematics, working in fields including (but not limited to) security and reliability of VR/AR systems, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. More details about Ph.D. applications and Ph.D. scholarships are as follows.

Research Interests

  • Security and Reliability of VR/AR Systems
  • Internet of Things and Mobile Sensing
  • Blockchain and Distributed Systems

Selected Publications

  • Junlin Yang, Jiadi Yu, Linghe Kong, Yanmin Zhu, and Hong-Ning Dai, OpenAuth: Human Body-based User Authentication using mmWave Signals in Open-World Scenarios, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, 2024
  • Hanyang Guo, Hong-Ning Dai, Xiapu Luo, Zibin Zheng, Genyang Xu, and Fengliang He, “An Empirical Study on Oculus Virtual Reality Applications: Security and Privacy Perspectives”, in the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Lisbon, Portugal, 2024.
  • Wuhui Chen, Yikai Feng, Jianting Zhang, Zhongteng Cai, Hong-Ning Dai, and Zibin Zheng, “Auncel: Fair Byzantine Consensus Protocol with High Performance”, in IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Vancouver, Canada, 2024.
  • Zhijie Zhong, Zibin Zheng, Hong-Ning Dai, Qing Xue, Junjia Chen, and Yuhong Nan, “PrettySmart: Detecting Permission Re-delegation Vulnerability for Token Behaviors in Smart Contracts”, in the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Lisbon, Portugal, 2024.
  • Wuhui Chen, Ding Xia, Zhongteng Cai, Hong-Ning Dai, Jianting Zhang, Zicong Hong, Junyuan Liang, and Zibin Zheng, “Porygon: Scaling Blockchain via 3D Parallelism”, in the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Utrecht, Netherlands, 2024 (full research paper).
  • Yalin Liu, Hong-Ning Dai, Qubeijian Wang, Om Jee Pandey, Yaru Fu, Ning Zhang, Dusit Niyato, Chi Chung Lee, accepted to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2024, (https://doi.org/10.1109/JSAC.2024.3365891).
  • Hanyang Guo, Xiangping Chen, Yuan Huang, Yanlin Wang, Xi Ding, Zibin Zheng, Xiaocong Zhou, and Hong-Ning Dai. “Snippet comment generation based on code context expansion”, in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 33, 1, Article 24 (January 2024), 30 pages (https://doi.org/10.1145/3611664).
  • Yaru Fu, Xinyu Xu, Hanlin Liu, Quan Yu, Hong-Ning Dai, and Tony Q. S. Quek. “Joint assortment and cache planning for practical user choice model in wireless content caching networks”. accepted to appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 1–13, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1109/TMC.2023.3297987).
  • Zhaolin Yuan, Xiaojuan Ban, Zixuan Zhang, Xiaorui Li, and Hong-Ning Dai, “ODE-RSSM: Learning Stochastic Recurrent State Space Model from Irregular Sampled Data”, accepted to appear in the Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Washington, DC, USA, 2023.
  • Jianzhong Su, Hong-Ning Dai, Lingjun Zhao, Zibin Zheng, Xiapu Luo, “Effectively Generating Vulnerable Transaction Sequences in Smart Contracts with Reinforcement Learning-guided Fuzzing”, accepted to appear in the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), Michigan, USA, 2022.
  • Zhongteng Cai, Junyuan Liang, Wuhui Chen, Zicong Hong, Hong-Ning Dai, Jianting Zhang, and Zibin Zheng, “Benzene: Scaling Blockchain with Cooperation-Based Sharding”, in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 639-654, 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2022.3227198).